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All of our families decided to get together and host a huge graduation dinner for us. Tristan and Josh's parents, Shay's, Joanna's, mine and also Jacob's.

I walked into the elegant dining hall of "Culinary Heights," the air filled with the savory aroma of exquisite dishes.

The subdued lighting and soft music created a perfect ambiance for our graduation dinner. Laughter and joy echoed as we gathered around the table, adorned with crisp white linens.

Plates arrived, presenting a culinary masterpiece. The first course, a delicate lobster bisque, warmed our spirits. As we savored each spoonful, conversations flowed effortlessly, celebrating the achievements that led us to this moment.

The main course, a succulent filet mignon paired with truffle-infused mashed potatoes, satisfied both our palates and our sense of accomplishment.

Toasts resonated through the room, clinking glasses filled with sparkling laughter and dreams for the future. Dessert, a decadent chocolate soufflé, mirrored the sweetness of our shared success.

It was a night of connection, laughter, and gratitude, a fitting celebration for the milestone of high school graduation.

Dad's eyes bore into Tristan as we sat around the dessert-laden table.

"So, Tristan, what kind of business did your late father establish?" he inquired, a glint of curiosity in his eyes.

Tristan's gaze met my father's as he began to unfold the legacy of his father.

"It's kind of like a, pharmaceutical company. I'll be doing my training at their branch established here in Miami while attending college," he explained, his words measured.

My father, the ever-inquisitive patriarch, leaned forward, intrigued.

"And which college have you decided to go to?" he asked, a smile forming.

Tristan hesitated for a moment, glancing at me before answering,

"I've received acceptance letters from a few colleges here in Florida. But I'm thinking of going to Miami Dade College, though. With Ari."

I nearly choked on my dessert, surprise and disbelief mingling on my face.

Miami Dade? With me?

It was a revelation that left me momentarily speechless, since we haven't really talked about going to the same college together.

The air grew thick with unspoken questions, and I could sense everyone's excited and happy gaze on both of us.

"Hmm, good for you. Not because you'll be spending all the time together with my daughter, but I think Miami Dade college is an excellent choice." Dad said, causing me to blush.

Tristan shoots me a smile and entwined his hand with mine, before pressing a small kiss on the back.

"So, Joanna, Shay, which colleges have you both decided on?" My mother casually inquired, glancing at my friends with curiosity.

Joanna beamed, "I'm going to business school. Gotta lend a helping hand in the future to my parents and my brother in running our family's chain of companies."

"That's impressive, Jo." Mom said, genuinely impressed. Then she turned to Shay, "And you, Shay?"

Shay grinned, "I've applied to Harvard Law school. Still waiting to hear back from them."

My mom's eyes widened in surprise, "Harvard Law? That's fantastic, Shay!"

Shay nodded, "Yeah, I'm hoping for the best."

"You'd make an excellent lawyer, just like your parents."

Shay's mother lifted her glass, "Here's to that! She'll be a great attorney."

We all smiled, toasting to Shay's potential future in law.

As I sat there, surrounded by laughter and the buzz of excitement, a weight settled in my chest. The realization hit me – we were all moving in different directions.

College acceptances had scattered us like autumn leaves in the wind. It's bittersweet to think that in a few weeks, we'll be leaving home, pursuing our dreams in separate cities.

The thought of not seeing each other as often gnawed at my heart. We had been a tight-knit group, facing high school's challenges together. Now, each of us had a different path to tread.

Josh, with his football scholarship to Berkeley University, was bound for a world beyond our familiar hangouts.

Tears threatened to surface as I thought about the impending distance. Yet, amidst the melancholy, there was a glimmer of hope.

We promised to make time, to come home and catch up, to bridge the miles with late-night calls and virtual reunions.

Our friendship was resilient, tethered by shared memories and the unspoken understanding that this was just a new chapter, not the end.

With Jacob and Tristan heading to Miami Dade College with me, I found solace in the fact that some bonds would endure.

The ache of separation mingled with the anticipation of new beginnings, a complex symphony of emotions echoing in my heart.

Joanna's dad cleared his throat, looking at our group.

"Any plans after this?" he asked. Josh, always quick with a response, chimed in,

"Yeah, there's a graduation party at a friend's house. We're all heading there."

"We should probably leave now if we don't wanna be late." Joanna added.

The idea resonated, and a collective agreement hummed through the group.

As if on cue, everyone started getting up from their seats, a wave of excitement filling the air. Time to hit that graduation party.

"Why are you all leaving in such a hurry?" Josh's mom asked, concern etched on her face.

"We're heading to the party now, but I also need to be there early. My band is performing, and we still have to set up and practice," Josh replied, a sense of urgency in his voice.

As we prepared to leave, everyone began saying their goodbyes to their parents. The air was filled with parental advice, urging us to drive safely and be home before curfew.

Hand in hand with Tristan, and with Joanna and Josh at our side, the excitement bubbled within me.

Shay and Jacob joined us, forming a jubilant group as we exited the restaurant.

The anticipation for the night ahead danced in our steps, a vibrant energy enveloping us as we headed towards the promised thrill of the party.

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