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The next day, during our lunch break, Coach called for a meeting with the cheer team. We all gathered on the bleachers, grateful for the shade from the scorching sun. Excitement buzzed in the air as we chatted and waited for Coach to arrive and tell us what this meeting was about.

Finally, after what felt like ages, she strolled over at her own leisurely pace, her whistle bouncing around her neck and her clipboard tucked under her arm. Coach, also known as Agatha Moore, was our no-nonsense leader. Divorced, living with her teenage son, and standing tall at 5 ft 11, she commanded respect with her sharp eyes and strict demeanor. Yet, deep down, we all adored her. She could be surprisingly sweet when she wanted to be.

Today, she wore her usual ensemble, albeit in different colors. She stood before us in her red polo shirt, black chico pants, and black heels, ready to share some news.

"Hey, girls! I'm sure you've heard that cheer season is right around the corner. Well, I've got good news. The principal gave us the green light to attend cheer camp this year!"

Our cheers and applause filled the air, echoing our excitement. Cheer camp was a big deal for us—it was our chance to make Sterling High School proud and shine at the top of the pyramid again.

"And here's the deal," Coach continued. "Take these consent slips home, get your parents to sign them, and bring them back to my office tomorrow morning."

She handed a stack of papers to the girl in the front row, and they quickly made their way down the line. I grabbed one and started reading, my eyes widening in surprise.

"Wait, Coach!" I blurted out, lifting my head. "We're going to cheer camp next week?"

"What?!" echoed the chorus of shocked voices around me as everyone stared down at their consent slips.

"Yep, next week!" Coach affirmed, nodding at me. "Come on, be excited! Your exams aren't until the end of April, and the principal has given us the thumbs-up. Plus, it's only for five days. Just enough time to build up some cheer spirit before football season kicks off."

I felt a mix of excitement and trepidation. Leaving for cheer camp so soon wasn't something I had anticipated. But hey, it was just five days, right?

It'll be over before we know it.


"You're leaving next week?" Tristan echoed, his eyes wide with surprise.

"Yeah, I know. It's sooner than we thought," I replied.

He turned away, clearly taken aback by the news. I gently placed my hand on his face, urging him to look at me again.

"Hey, it's only for a week. It's not that long. I'll be back before you know it."

"Five days is too long," he pouted, his voice so cute that it made me giggle.

"No, it's not. If anyone should be sad about this, it's me. I'll be bored to death there without you. There are some guys at cheer camp, but they're still cheerleaders, so it's not like anyone will be having much fun. Well, maybe just a little bit," I teased.

He leaned into my hand, smiling, his worries momentarily forgotten.

"Besides, they're confiscating phones during the day. Can you imagine how hard that'll be?" Shay chimed in, earning a kiss on the temple from Jacob.

"I'm sure you'll find something to keep you occupied while I'm gone," I reassured Tristan. But his smile slowly faded away.

He straightened up, distancing himself from me. His sudden change in demeanor set off alarms in my head.

"What? What's wrong?" I asked, grabbing his arm.

"I just remembered I have a project due next week," he said.

My face lit up with a smile, and I glanced at Shay and Jacob.

"See? You do have something to keep you occupied. The week will fly by before you know it."

He managed a forced smile before looking away, and my excitement dimmed slightly.

"What's the project about?"

"It's a biology project. My partner and I are studying Enzyme Activity," he explained.

Shay and I exchanged surprised glances. We knew Tristan was smart, but he didn't flaunt it often, especially in science.

"Wow, you guys got busy. We haven't even started any projects or extracurriculars yet. So, who's your partner?" Jacob asked, eyeing me suspiciously since I don't take any science classes.

"Abby," Tristan said, and my heart dropped.

I turned toward Shay, who raised her eyebrows, mirroring my confusion.

"Abby's your partner? She's in AP biology too?" I asked Tristan without meeting his eyes.

"It was a coincidence. Our Bio teacher paired us up. Since she's new and everyone kinda knows that she's staying at my place, he thought it'd be easier for us to work together and finish the project quickly."

I finally looked at him; his eyes pleaded for my understanding.

I nodded, forcing a smile. "Okay, that's fine, right?"

Shay and Jacob nodded in agreement. Then a sudden realization struck me.

"Wait, how will that work when she's leaving for cheer camp with us?" Tristan's eyes widened in surprise.

"What? She's in the cheer team?"

"She didn't tell you?"

"She's not going," Joanna said, joining us at the table with her lunch tray, Josh following behind.

"What are you talking about?"

"Coach wanted me to tell you. Her biology project clashes with the trip. Since they'll be going on field trips for their projects too, she needs to stay at school. Coach allowed her to participate in the games, though; that's mandatory," Jo explained.

"Why didn't she come and tell me? I'm the captain of this team. She should've told me first before talking to Coach."

My frustration bubbled up, and my voice raised, surprising everyone at the table. I couldn't help it; I was annoyed.

She knows the basics of being a cheerleader; she should have come to me first. I would've talked to Coach, and we'd figure something out. It's that simple.

Tristan's hand found its way back to mine, giving me a small squeeze. I pulled my hand back, feigning the need to reach for my water bottle.

We could have gotten along so well if it weren't for this situation. I barely know her, and I'm already irritated with her first mistake as a cheerleader on MY team.

Now she's Tristan's project partner, and they'll be spending all their time together while I'm away at cheer camp.

How convenient. Can't this day get any more annoying?

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