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I unlocked the front door, stepping into the softly lit foyer. Tossing my keys into the bowl on the dresser, I closed the door behind me.

After leaving Tristan's place, I took a drive to clear my head. It did the trick, and now all I wanted was to crash on my bed and sleep off the whirlwind of emotions.

As I started up the staircase, voices floated from the hallway leading to the dining room. Pausing, I strained to listen and realized it was my parents talking.

"Ari, honey, is that you?" Mom's voice called out as she appeared in the hallway.

"Yeah," I replied weakly, meeting her halfway for a hug.

Her familiar Saint Laurent perfume comforted me, but I caught a hint of wine on her as well.

"How did it go? Did you manage to give him the birthday gift?" She asked, stroking my hair.

I pulled away, offering a small smile. "Yeah, I gave him the gift."

"What did he think?" I shook my head, shrugging.

"I don't know. He didn't even look when he accepted it."

Mom cooed sympathetically, caressing my face. 

"That's okay. At least you got him something. Just give him a little more time; he'll come around."

Yeah, and by the time that happens, we'll all have graduated, and life will lead us in different directions.

"I'm tired. I'm just gonna go straight to bed."

"Oh, before that," she said, prompting me to stop. She left and returned with a large white envelope.

"This came in the mail today. I kept it aside for you to open."

I stared at the envelope, perplexed, and took it from her. My eyes widened at the blue Miami Dade College logo printed at the top.

Heart racing, I slowly opened the envelope and pulled out the papers inside.

I quickly scanned through the papers, and as I finished reading, my jaw dropped.

"What's it say?" Mom asked eagerly.

"I..." I lowered the papers, meeting her eyes with excitement. "I got in."

"You did?!" She exclaimed.

"Yeah, I got in!"

She immediately hugged me, giggling with excitement. We pulled away, only to re-read the acceptance letters, just to reassure ourselves it was real, and the bold "Congratulations" confirmed it – my dream had finally come true.

"What's all the excitement about?" A voice interrupted, and we turned to see Dad approaching.

"She got in!" Mom said, still thrilled, hugging my shoulders. "She got into Miami Dade College."

His face lit up, and he quickly joined us. I showed him the letter, and a grin spread across his face as he looked at me, kissing me on the head.

"That's my girl. I knew you could do it."

I sank down on the staircase steps, clutching the papers and envelope, covering my mouth with my hand.

"This is the best news I've received all day."

"Oh, how did things go with Tristan?" Dad suddenly asked. "Did he like the autograph?"

I smiled gratefully. "I didn't stay long enough to find out, but I'm sure he'd love it."

He nodded while hugging Mom to his side, and I glanced at the letters in my hand.

"It's been a rough week, but I'm so glad this made up for it. I'm so happy, I could literally throw a party right now to celebrate."

"Oookay. Let's save that idea for the weekend tomorrow," Dad replied, making Mom and me laugh.

I was only kidding.

"Besides, there's another reason to celebrate tonight," he continued, and I furrowed my brow, catching the secretive smiles and exchanged glances between them.

"Other than getting into college, what's the other surprise?" I prodded, slowly getting up from the stairs.

"We were planning to tell you in the morning, but since we're all here now," Mom began, looking at Dad, "we wanted to share the news that we're getting married!"

She announced, showcasing the shiny rock on her finger – a new addition I hadn't noticed before, replacing the old wedding band she always wore.

"Oh my God!" I immediately enveloped them in a tight hug.

They chuckled and hugged me back. Stepping back, I took my mother's hand, admiring her new engagement ring.

"It's so pretty."

"I know," she cooed. "Your father went all out again."

I turned to Dad with a playful pout, and he grinned.

"You didn't even think of clueing me in when I was at your office today? I could've helped with the surprise dinner or something."

"It wouldn't be a surprise if I tell any one of you," he replied with a smirk. "Plus, I didn't want you stressing about it. You've got plans for tonight, and I didn't want to hold you back."

"I wouldn't be stressed, but I'd want it to be perfect and romantic."

"Aww," Mom responded, hugging my side and resting her head on my shoulder as we faced Dad.

"Yeah, well, it's all done now. I think I nailed the whole romantic proposal thing, right sweetheart?"

"You did. It was even better than the first time," Mom said, and Dad leaned in, kissing her on the head before doing the same to me.

"Alright! The night's not over yet, so let's go celebrate."

They laughed, and I held hands with Mom as we walked back to the dining room, ready to enjoy the rest of the night, celebrating the two fantastic pieces of news I received today.

𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐀𝐍𝐀 ||The Sequel||Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon