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It took us a good three hours to reach Miami Dade College. Luckily, the orientation wasn't kicking off until noon, so we had some time to kill before checking into our arranged hotel.

The hotel was conveniently close to the school, which worked out well for us. The teachers had organized the orientation and a campus tour for today, with the added bonus of a night's stay before heading back home tomorrow.

Once the check-in process and hotel room card distribution were done, they grouped us into three to share rooms. I ended up rooming with Shay and another girl named Vicky. Joanna got paired with two different girls, which was okay, but secretly, I wished we could room together.

After settling into our rooms, we reconvened in the lobby as per the teachers' request. They reiterated the rules about sticking together, not wandering off on campus, and getting permission before leaving the hotel – the usual drill.

I found it hard to pay attention; it was boring, and Abby sticking close to Tristan was getting on my nerves. Was all that time spent on their project creating some weird connection between them again?

I tried not to care, given that Tristan and I were no longer a thing, but it was hard. They seemed inseparable.

The Miami Dade College campus was just across the street. We strolled through a clear alley, passing under a big blue banner that read 'Welcome.' Tall palm trees lined the way, and students sporting college logo shirts handed out flyers. I couldn't help but envy a group of girls in matching maroon sweatshirts.

Inside the school building, a guide led us to a massive lecture theater. We took seats in the front row, and I found myself sandwiched between Shay and Joanna. The room buzzed with voices as more students poured in.

While scanning the back of the room, my eyes accidentally met Tristan's. Surprise jolted through me, and our gazes locked briefly before I forced myself to turn away.

I thought dealing with an ex at the same school would be easier, but damn, I was wrong. It was way more awkward than I anticipated. I wished I could just hide under these seats until the orientation was over.

The orientation dragged on for two hours. After the welcoming speeches and professor introductions, I found myself surprisingly engrossed, almost forgetting about the uncomfortable encounter with Tristan earlier.

They threw in some cool icebreaker games halfway through orientation, which was surprisingly fun to watch.

I think I might apply here after all. This seems like a very great school and, they have classes for art management which I'm very much interested in. 

That's right. Your girl has finally decided what she wants to become in the future. 

 A creative director in fashion. 

 I had a little help from Miss James in narrowing it down to that during our session the other day. She asked me what I like to do for fun that makes me happy and I started rambling on how I came up with the designs for our new cheerleading uniforms and how hard I worked in perfecting it. 

 I didn't realize how much talking about that would make me discover a hidden passion for styles and fashion. That's when I realized what I wanna do in the future which has become a whole new dream for me to achieve.

After the orientation, they hooked us up with a campus tour guide. The place was buzzing with students from different schools, making it pretty lively. We checked out the library, and the massive gym, and they even have their own aquatic center.

We ended up in an open field at the heart of the school. People were chilling on the grass in groups, chatting, and having a good time. The tour guide was going on about campus details, but I was more into soaking in the vibe.

The whole atmosphere got me pumped up about starting college soon. Can't wait to experience this again as a college student.

I could almost taste the freedom in the air, but my moment didn't last long. I turned to the side and there he was again, chilling with a small group.

Abby was right there, flashing a smile at him while he talked with a bunch of other seniors from different classes.

Seeing him all carefree, grinning and mingling, hit me like a gut punch. Our breakup had clearly made him drift away from our friends. He just couldn't hang out with them anymore because of me.

It sucks seeing him slip further away from us, but what hurts more is knowing it's on me. Breaking up with me meant he had to distance himself from our friend group.

As I stared a bit longer, my eyes started burning with tears. Suddenly, Abby turned, caught me looking, and locked eyes with me.

Something flickered in her gaze for a hot minute. I quickly looked away and speed-walked back to the group.

It wasn't until we got back to the campus tour that I figured out what her look meant.

I spent the whole afternoon baffled, wondering why the heck she of all people would feel sorry for me.

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