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We had a game day the next morning, just a little activity the coaches put together for some team bonding.

We were playing Capture the Flag, and our coach was running the game today. She split the team into two groups, putting me in charge of one and Joanna in charge of the other.

I led my team into the area behind the school, searching for a good spot to hide our flags.

"So, how was your time with Justin last night?" Shay asked as she walked up to my side.

"It was great, we had a lot of fun," I replied.

"Really?" She grinned and prodded, "What else did you guys do?"

I planted my flag between the tree bark before answering her.

"After leaving the concert, we went to get some food, and ice cream, and took a walk," I said.

Shay raised her eyebrows questioningly. "Just a walk?"

"Yeah," I shrugged. "But we had a deep conversation and got to know each other better."

"Cute. So, has he confessed that he likes you?"

I spun around and stared at her in surprise. "How did you know he likes me?"

Shay folded her arms and waited for the other girls to pass before speaking again.

"It was pretty obvious, and he wasn't keeping it a secret either. Joanna and I can tell he's into you."

I nodded slowly before turning around and continuing to walk.

"So, do you like him too?" Shay pressed when she caught up with me.

"I'm not sure," I admitted.

"You're not sure? Then why are you hanging out with him? Are you trying to give the guy mixed signals or something?"

I threw my hands up in frustration and turned to face her. "I'm not giving mixed signals, Shay. I made it clear from the start that we're just friends. He confessed last night that he likes me, and-"

"Wait, what?" Shay exclaimed, cutting me off. "He told you last night that he likes you?"

I nodded. "Yes, he did."

"And what did you say?"

I shrugged before resuming our walk. The other girls were far ahead of us by now.

"I didn't say much. He knows that Tristan and I are on a break, and he said he'd respect whatever decision I make. If things don't work out with Tristan, he's willing to be there for me."

"Wow," Shay remarked with a grin. "A gentleman and respectful. Guys like him are hard to find these days. Others might keep hitting on you, even after you told them you're still into your 'temporary' ex-boyfriend."

I chuckled and stepped over a log on the ground.

"But do you like him?" Shay asked. "I mean, do you have real feelings for him, like how you feel about Tristan?"

I paused, thinking about her words. "A bit, I guess."

"On a scale of one to ten?"

"Maybe an eight."

"That's not just a bit, girl. An eight means you like him, a lot. A ten is what you feel for Tristan, where you're deeply in love. So, you do like Justin."

Before I could respond, one of the girls called out that they found a good hiding spot, and the game was about to begin. All thoughts of Justin faded as my game mode kicked in.

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