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"College admissions are open now. Take your time to figure out your options and submit your applications online. It's better to start now for early action."

I gave Miss James a nod before grabbing the white folder from her desk, filled with college brochures and application requirements.

It was officially my turn to visit the guidance counselor's office this semester. The last visit didn't really count, and ever since then, Miss James and I hadn't discussed it, except for our usual talks about my future plans and college preferences.

With a free period in the afternoon, I decided to get it over with. I thanked Miss James and headed to the library to explore the contents of the white folder and check out potential schools to apply to.

Walking past the school field, I noticed the football team training. My heart skipped a beat when I saw Tristan jogging with a few other boys on the track.

I hadn't seen him all day, and I was relieved that he finally showed up to school. I had hoped to run into him today and try to talk, despite Jas warning me not to yesterday. I pushed that advice to the back of my mind, determined to do my best to mend things.

Turning on my phone, I saw it was exactly two o'clock. They'd be done in half an hour, giving me enough time to catch him before he left.

Taking one last glance at the boys on the field, I hugged the white folder to my chest and headed up the stairwell to the second floor where the library was located.

There were only a few students inside when I arrived. I went straight to the computers, occupied one, dropped the white folder on the empty space next to me, and pulled out the papers.

In the next twenty-five minutes, I read through half of the brochures and papers, conducting research on a couple of colleges in Florida.

"Hey, Ari!" I was startled by the sound of the voice.

I took my AirPods out and looked up to see Sandra standing before me. We shared AP English.

"Hi, Sandra." I smiled in return.

"Sorry to interrupt, I came in a while ago, saw you here, and thought I'd come by to say hi."

I gave her a small smile before glancing at my computer, and her eyes followed.

"Oh, filling out college applications already?" I turned back to her and slowly nodded.

"Yeah, getting a head start."

"Cool. I'll start after the field trip tomorrow. Planning to check out Miami Dade College first, see if it's up to my standards, and maybe apply there."

My eyes widened in surprise.

"There's a field trip tomorrow?"

She stared right back at me, equally surprised.

"Didn't you know?"

"I heard a rumor, but I didn't think it would be true." She chuckled.

"Well, it is. Senior field trip organized by the school committee to visit Miami Dade College and attend their orientation for high school kids interested in going there. It's pretty exciting, don't you think?"

I nodded with a smile, and she grinned back before checking her phone.

"Oh shoot, I gotta run. I actually came to grab some photocopied assignments for Mrs. Walter. See you around."

I gave her a little wave and watched as she strolled back to the front desk where Mrs. Bubbles, the librarian, was sitting.

Turning back to the computer, my eyes widened at the time on the screen below.

Letting out a string of curses, I hastily stood up and began gathering my things, shoving them into my bag.

Distracted by the conversation with Sandra, I hadn't noticed the time. Tristan's training had ended five minutes ago.

After packing up, I swiftly left the library, jogging down the stairwell, crossing the field, and heading straight to where the boys were resting at the bleachers. Their Coach stood nearby, chatting with someone who looked a lot like Josh.

Upon getting closer, I realized it really was Josh, but I quickly ignored him and started scanning the area for Tristan.

Spotting him, my heart started pounding with a mix of dread and excitement.

He sat with a cooler below him, leaning over and searching for a water bottle, still unaware of my presence.

Others had noticed, though. One guy sitting next to him nudged his side with an elbow, staring at me.

Tristan made an annoyed sound, glanced at his friend, and then looked straight at me. My heart sank as his eyes immediately narrowed, and he quickly stood up, kicking the cooler aside before heading toward me.


"What do you want?" He cuts me off before I can even say his name.

A knot of nerves tightens inside my stomach.

"Can we talk, please?" I ask softly, lowering my voice. 

My arrival caught the attention of almost all the football players relaxing on the bleachers, watching us with interest.

"What's left to talk about?" He replies with a sharp edge. "I have nothing more to say to you."

His words ignite a small jolt of pain inside my chest, and I struggle to keep myself composed.

"I really just want to talk to you. Can't you give me a chance, and maybe we can go somewhere private?"

A muscle in his jaw twitches as his eyes glare straight into mine before he takes a step closer.

"I honestly don't wanna listen to any more excuses, Ari. The damage is already done, and I don't really wanna be around you right now. It's over."

A shaky gasp leaves my lips as my surroundings start to blur from the tears forming in my eyes. He steps away from me, pinning me with a cold gaze before shrugging.

"We're done."

I didn't think that two words could possibly shatter my world, but they just did.

As he walks back towards the bleachers and I stare at his retreating back, the first tear rolls down my face, followed by another one, and another one, and another one.

More curious eyes stare back at me—some with amusement, some with empathy, and even some with disappointment.

I quickly turn around and spin on my heels, hoping to get away so they won't see me crying out there.

But no doubt, they already did.

Two words coming out of his mouth were all it took to cut off the small thread of hope I had been clinging to.

Two words were all it took to officially break the bond that desperately held us together.

Two words were all it took to drive the distance farther between us with no hope of getting us any closer in the future.

Two. Words.

 Might have just turned a nightmare into reality.

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