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Today marked the end of our cheer camp, but honestly, I couldn't find the enthusiasm everyone else had. What went down last night kept playing on repeat in my mind, and every time it did, I felt like screaming and punching something.

I can't believe he did that. After all this time, when he finally decided to call me, his first question was about me and Justin.

Oh my fucking God. It was too much. I felt like I was losing my mind.

Joanna barged in with excitement, giving us a start.

"Did you forget how to knock like a normal person?" I chided her, flopping back onto my bed.

"Forget knocking. I've got great news."

Shay and I exchanged puzzled looks as she closed the door behind her and twirled around the room before standing in the center, facing us.

"We're going to a party tonight."

Shay and I were taken aback.

"I'm sorry, what?" Shay asked.

"Charlie's throwing a big party at his place, and he just invited us."

I sighed and stared at the ceiling.

"I'm not sure if that's a good idea. Today's our last day, and maybe we should just stay here and see what everyone else has planned. Maybe another bonfire?"

Joanna scoffed and sat down at the edge of Shay's bed.

"Didn't you hear? The coaches said we can do whatever we want tonight, no curfew."

"Hmm. So, what's the catch?" I asked suspiciously, and she smirked.

"Well, they did mention that anyone who misses the bus tomorrow has to figure their own way home."

I chuckled and turned to lie on my stomach, facing them.

"It's a college party, Jo. It's not really our scene."

"I agree," Shay added.

"I know, but Justin mentioned he's looking forward to seeing you there."

My stomach did a little flip when she mentioned Justin, and I concealed the smile on my face, looking away.

"So, are we going to the party or not? But if you're not up for it, that's okay. Shay and I can go on our own."

I gave Joanna a long, contemplative look, rolled my eyes, and turned to the ceiling again.

"Fine, let's go to the party."

They squealed with excitement and started picking out their outfits. I didn't want to admit that my motivation to go wasn't really about Justin.

I needed a break, something to take my mind off the phone call with Tristan last night. It kept bothering me all day, making it impossible to concentrate. His words were stuck in my head like a broken record.

It's beyond frustrating, and nothing I did today seemed to make it go away. 

Great fucking timing Tristan. Well done.

Just my luck, he chose today to mess things up. Now, my mood's ruined, and I couldn't even enjoy the last day of cheer camp.

But there's a silver lining – there's a party tonight. My chance to escape from reality for a bit, at least until everything comes crashing down when we see each other again tomorrow.

So, this party better be worth it.


Charlie's place was beyond enormous – seriously, it was like five houses mashed together. I had to pause at the driveway just to soak it all in. The party was already in full swing, with people spilling out onto the lawn and more arriving by the minute.

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