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"Thanks, see you tomorrow!"

I waved at the last cheerleader making her way out of the gym. Monday's cheer practice kicked off smoothly, gearing up for the approaching football season.

Sinking onto the bleachers, I let out an exhausted sigh and pulled the hair tie off my wrist. Gathering my hair into a small bun, I felt the heat of the 70-degree day permeating the school gym. Our practice in this sauna nearly did us in, but we powered through.

Twisting to the side, I dug into my gym bag for a face towel. When I turned back, Abby was holding out a water bottle to me.

"Thanks," I said, taking the bottle from her.

Surprised, I watched as she sat down next to me. With the gym empty, it felt odd to be alone together for the first time, and I waited for her to speak.

"Did you want to ask or say something?" I asked, rubbing the towel against the back of my neck.

She gave me a genuine smile, catching me off guard. 

"I wanted to talk to you, if that's alright."

I frowned but nodded. "Sure, what about? If it's about the upcoming game season, I get that practice is tough, but it's the usual drill."

She chuckled, meeting my eyes. "I'm not here to talk about cheerleading or the game. I'm here to talk about Tristan."

I took a shaky breath, leaning back and turning away to face the front. 

"What about him?" I replied, packing my gym bag.

"Look, I'm sorry I sprung this on you. I know it's unexpected."

"You're right," I cut in, facing her. "This isn't a topic I want to discuss with you."

Her expression wavered, and I got up, slinging my gym bag over my shoulder.

"I'll see you at practice tomorrow."

I began to walk away, but her next words stopped me.

"He's leaving."

My heart sank in an instant. Slowly turning around, I met her eyes, and a hint of sadness reflected in them.

"For Australia."

"What?" I whispered, struggling to grasp the sudden revelation.

"Tristan is leaving in two weeks. His father had everything planned out for him before he passed away. The plan was for Tristan to take over his business after college. So, he's off to Australia for school and training in his father's company before officially taking charge after graduation."

Every word she uttered felt like a blur, but one thing echoed loudly in my mind—

Tristan was leaving.

Can this really be happening?

"We're not sure if he'll make it back for graduation; he hasn't given us any details yet," Abby added, and the ground beneath me felt unsteady.

"Why?" I stammered.

Abby shrugged, standing up to face me directly.

"He wanted to. It's his choice, a way to feel closer to his father. So, he's getting ready to leave as soon as he can."

A tight grip squeezed my heart, making it difficult to breathe. The room, already warm, felt like it was closing in on me.

I let my gym bag fall to the floor, turning away to hide the tears welling up in my eyes.

"I didn't want to be the bearer of bad news, but that's why I needed to talk to you."

Turning back around, I noticed her eyes glistening as well.

"Part of why he's leaving is because of you."

I scoffed, placing my hands on my hips.

"You really hurt him."

"You think I don't know that?" I snapped. "I know I messed up, and everyone keeps telling me I hurt him. Yes, I know! I've been trying so damn hard to fix it, to fix us! And now this..."

She took a step forward, locking eyes with me.

"Well, try harder."

I paused, taken aback by her words.

"I haven't exactly been cheering for your relationship since I got here, and I'll admit, I tried to explore another chance with Tristan, but it didn't work. Why? Because he's head over heels in love with you. And he still is."

A tear rolled down my cheek, and I angrily wiped it away with my hand.

"He was my best friend before we even started dating. So, I never stopped caring about him. I've made mistakes that hurt him too, but I tried my best to fix them. What you did, though, really shattered his heart this time."

She paused, wiping away her own tears with the back of her hand before meeting my gaze again.

"I lost all respect for you because of that. But I believe you still have a chance. We both know you're the only ex-girlfriend he wants."

I couldn't help but chuckle, and she joined in. I looked at her with a smile, surprised at how this conversation was unfolding.

Here she was, encouraging me to patch things up with Tristan when, five months ago, I thought she might be trying to rekindle things with him after our breakup.

"Listen," she began, looking down at the floor. "I talked to Jas about it, and she mentioned that Tristan could potentially attend college here and train at his father's agency in Miami. He's determined to go to Australia, but I believe you can convince him to stay."

I bit the inside of my cheek, glancing around the room uncertainly. There was a chance, but there was also a chance it might not work.

"I don't know."

Abby grabbed my shoulders, forcing me to look her in the eyes.

"You do know. Don't start convincing yourself that he's lost feelings for you and it's hopeless. That guy still gazes at your Polaroid on his phone cover every night at dinner. It's clear he thinks about you all the time. So, please,"

She gently held my hand, and I looked down in confusion.

"Try to talk him into staying. For your sake and his family's sake, at least give it a shot. I can't imagine Jas handling living a thousand miles away from her son. If he stays, everyone can still be part of his life. Even you."

I shot her a look, and she quickly caught on, releasing my hand.

"I won't be sticking around with them after graduation anyway, so no need to worry about me. I'm headed to a college on the other side of Florida, so you won't be bumping into me much. But I'll definitely make time to visit them for Thanksgiving. They're still family, you know?"

Her response lifted a weight off my chest, and I couldn't help but smile, a smile she returned.

I crouched down, grabbed my gym bag, and faced her with determination.

"Thanks for coming and letting me know. I appreciate it." She grinned and shrugged.

"Hey, from one ex-girlfriend to another, you've got a better shot at winning him back. I'll respectfully back out of this one."

I chuckled, tucking my hand into my gym shorts' pocket and nodding.

"Good talk."

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