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The party was insane. People came and went, the music changed every ten seconds, and there was no shortage of alcohol, all thanks to Shay.

She was a party maniac, way more than I am. Shay could throw wild parties and somehow always escape trouble, even if the cops threatened to show up. They never did, thanks to her family's influence.

I was having a blast, hanging out with Tristan and my friends. I had a bit of alcohol to loosen up, even though I was alcohol intolerant. Tristan let me have just a little, enough to make me a bit tipsy.

We were leaning against the kitchen wall, watching Joanna and some cheerleaders play beer pong on the counter. They were all clumsy and drunk, which had me laughing non-stop.

Tristan had his arm around my neck, holding a red solo cup. Quavo's "Can't Help It" blared in the background. People were dancing in the living room, and others making out or grinding on the couch. It was your typical wild teenage party.

I was aware of everything, including Tristan's arm tightening around me and his lips on my neck. I turned to him, and he kissed the corner of my mouth, sending butterflies into a frenzy in my stomach.

I turned fully and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him close. His fingertips traced my jawline, sending shivers down my spine. Our lips met in a heated kiss, making my heart race.

Time stood still as the room faded around us. Every touch crackled with electricity, deepening our connection.

At that moment, desire and anticipation mingled, and I found myself lost in the passionate dance of our tongues and the embrace that enveloped us.

Amidst the pulsating music and dim lights, I was lost in a heated make-out session with Tristan. His touch sent shivers down my spine as our lips met hungrily.

We pulled away briefly; I caught my breath and looked into Tristan's eyes. Something shifted inside me.

Intense desire surged within me. Tristan's tender caresses and his fingers tracing patterns on my skin sent shivers down my spine.

Amidst our passionate embrace, I yearned for more.

I wanted it to happen tonight. With him.

"Tristan," Shay sang from across the room, interrupting us. We pulled away, and I returned to my spot, but this time he wrapped his arms around my waist.

Shay approached us, dangling a key with a playful smile on her face.

"As per your request, the guestroom on the third floor is all yours. I've informed everyone it's off-limits. The door has a lock, but here's the key, just in case you need to keep unexpected guests out."

My face fell as I watched the exchange, confused.

Wait... he asked Shay to arrange a room for us in her house?

Was that his plan to get me out of the house tonight?

I pulled away from him and faced him, my confusion evident. He pocketed the keys.

"Don't get the wrong idea, Ari," he said, his eyes softening. "I'm not that type of guy."

I playfully glared at him, crossing my arms.

"Really? Then what's the key for?"

He chuckled. "It's called being a protective boyfriend. I thought you might have too much fun tonight and get drunk. So, the guestroom is where you'll be sleeping. Shay's your best friend, so I figured it's safe for you to sleep over after the party."

A thoughtful boyfriend, indeed.

I wanted to kiss him right then and there.

But since I was ready to take this to the next step, I decided to play it cool, using an old trick from the playbook.

"Why can't you just drive me home?"

He glanced at the red cup in his hand and shrugged.

"I...don't think I'm capable of doing that tonight. I don't trust anyone else to take you home either. Plus, your parents trust me. I don't want to show up at the front door with a drunk Ariana hanging off my arm. They'll never let you go out with me again."

I stifled a laugh and tried not to smile.

"Just so you know, I'm not that drunk," I said.

He looked me over, and I stepped closer, his smile slipping into a serious expression. I traced my finger down his jaw and stared at his lips.

"Second, it's a good thing you got us a room. We're not going home tonight."

I ran my tongue across his bottom lip before pulling it between my teeth. I heard his sharp intake of breath, making my blood rush with heat and desire.

"Fuck, Ari," he whispered huskily.

I grabbed his hand and started pulling him with me, making our way through the crowd and up the long spiraling glass staircase.

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