"Satisfied?" Raven head alpha asked with a gentle smile receiving an energetic toothed grin and a big bear hug.

"Now it's my turn!" Taehyung manhandled his stunned wife placing him underneath while he hover above with the naughtiest smirk.

"No tae tae!" Jungkook giggled when his mate suddenly turned into a tickle monster.

They were laughing so much that their stomach started to hurt and jungkook had already tears in the corner of his eyes because of laughing and taehyung was still panting above him from all the fun.

Blonde pulled his husband close placing a long peck on his lips after calming down.

"I love you." Omega confessed with glassy eyes reflecting taehyung's face as if his alpha is the only one who have right to live there. 

"I love you so much more, Koo." Alpha confessed back brushing their nose.

"No matter what taehyung, don't ever leave my side or ... Or I'll di-" 

"Shh..." Ravenette shook his head covering omega's mouth with his hand.

"I'm not leaving you, jungkook. Never... No matter what I'll keep holding your hands." 

The soft moment quickly turned into something serious yet special. Taehyung knows his mate needs some time to accept that he is not gonna leave and he won't disappear from his life. Omegas tends to have these little insecurities and emotional moments after getting mated. They need constant reassurance from their alpha that they will be by omega's side for the rest of their lives and won't ever leave them for anyone. 

Alpha comforted his omega throughout his emotional phase and kept whispering promising words.

Their bodies and souls are connected now and even if anyone tries, the bond won't break. 

Jungkook was just afraid of certain things. It happens when you've suffered your whole life looking for that particular comfort, affection and happiness but only received coldness and cruelty from your own blood relations.

He was scared that he had finally received his happiness in form of his alpha, his mate and now the blonde is afraid of losing him. He knows the storm is on their way and it will reach sooner or later. 

His alpha's scent engulfed the place making it smell like it has just rained in the sandalwood forest. Jungkook calmed down immediately feeling relaxed. All his worries and stress disappeared melting into taehyung's magical scent.

An alpha's scent was never meant to make their mate submit, it was to provide them comfort, serenity and protection but society and old culture started to use it to plant control and fear in omegas. It was meant to calm them but it becomes something they feared the most now. Most of the omega felt suffocated and always feel like their bodies are forcing submission on them whenever alphas spread their heavy scent.

Taehyung never liked these controlling kinds of stuff. He would never do something which can lead his omega to feel uneasy or afraid.

"Babe? Do you wanna sleep? I'll make dinner. Get some rest." Alpha mumbled in a soft voice not wanting to disturb his almost-dozing omega. 

Blonde only hummed hiding his emerald orbs behind his long lashes and heavy falling eyelids.

Alpha pressed a soft kiss on his mate's forehead before covering him with the fluffy warm blanket. He lit the fireplace to keep his omega warm as it was almost night. 

The man worked in kitchen cooking the dinner and trying his best to make as much as less voice he could. He really doesn't want to disturb his beautiful wife's peaceful sleep. 

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