Chapter 7: The Ties were Black, The Lies were White

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(Gusion's POV)

(After the betrayal)

We all sat around the dining table, leaving an empty chair that was supposed to be for Hanabi. "Argh!" I stood up and kicked the chair flying to the other side of the room. I was about to hit again, but Angela strangled me with her string.

"I'm sure I'm not wrong about this," she put me down on a chair, unable to move. She took out a piece of paper and started writing. "Here. I'm a robot. I have all the records in my head and my sight is pretty sharp." She put the paper in the middle of the table, then weakened her string on me so I could look up.

You chose them over us! - white

You said we bond by love, stronger than S.A.B.E.R - black

You really betrayed us. - white

You want the Magic Cube for S.A.B.E.R. - white

And in spite of how well we're getting along, you still couldn't trust us. - white

I felt so stupid thinking you hate S.A.B.E.R. - black

You never have a plan to go against S.A.B.E.R. - white

You never helped us out in our strategy making. - white

I've never ended us - black

I always could, because I followed my heart, not that mysterious professor of yours - black

"What's that black and white note?" I asked. My breathing was unsteady from holding back anger, but I tried to calm down.

"Did you notice her playing with a card in her hand? I'm sure that she responded to us by flipping it. That's why I said every possible situation she can respond to," Angela was clearly very observant.

"But what does it mean? She never gave us a heads up about this," said Harley.

"What do you mean by 'heads up'? If she wanted to sign to us she couldn't use body language. The S.A.B.E.R will notice," said Grock, unable to understand the word.

"'Heads up' means warning, Grock," said Angela tilting her head.

"Wait.. Could it be?" Something clicked in my head. "Right! She gave me 'homework'." I rushed to my room and turned on my laptop.

"She gave you homework?" Harley said as they're all following me and surrounded my desk waiting for me to respond.

"Yes, she was telling me about song metaphors. She gave me 'homework' to plot a song she had been playing lately." I searched for the song and printed them out. "Here. If I didn't misunderstand her, we were supposed to start with all the verses, the bridge, then the chorus." I showed them the print outs and started to read line by line.

It was the best of time, the worst of crime

I struck a match and blew your mind

"It's clearly about our moments together, then she 'betrayed' us" said Angela

But I didn't mean it, and you didn't see it

"Okay, so..." Harley was hesitating. "She probably was trying to avoid us. She'd been staying in her room longer than usual for the past few days." said Harley. He's been secretly watching over Hanabi as if he likes her like a brother.

"Yes, but we didn't know what she's up to," Grock was still kind of skeptical.

The ties were black, the lies were white

"There it is! Angela, you're a genius!" I said to Angela who was now smiling proudly. "Your note, please," I took the notes from Angela and started to encode the true meaning. "If white means lies or false, black probably the opposite right? So, she probably told us that 'I chose you. We're bound by love and stronger than S.A.B.E.R. I don't betray you. I don't want the Magic Cube to fall to S.A.B.E.R. I trust you. I hate S.A.B.E.R. I have plans against S.A.B.E.R. I have my strategy. I've never ended us. I followed my heart instead of Dr. Leo," I was silent for a while before continuing, "She doesn't trust Dr. Leo. She has been asking about him and Wu. Is she doing 'undercover'? To know about Wu as well?"

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