Chapter 20: The Sword's Coated By Blood

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(Gusion's POV)

Hanabi's reasoning made quite a lot of sense. I was left speechless, but it wasn't the right time to contemplate things. I remembered the things about the last code from Harley, so I contacted Angela. "Vespid, where are you?"

"I'm outside our base. Gusion, there's a lot of robots heading towards us," Angela said

"It feels like living in the Terminator era," Hanabi held her temple and shook her head.

"Vespid, get inside. We need you in the lab," I said.

"Okay, Cap," Angela replied.

"Let's get you to your safe," I walked towards Dr. Leo. Since the first time I saved his life, we had created a secret safe for him in case there's an ambush. I pushed a button behind the bookshelf, then the tiles under Dr. Leo were lowered, bringing Dr. Leo to his hiding, then replaced by other tiles with the exact same motif. I messed up some dust and dirt above to blend it with other tiles.

Angela arrived a few minutes later.

"Since Dr. Leo wants Magic Cube to be destroyed, we will want the code to also be removed from your body. But we need to turn you off. Do you mind?" Hanabi asked her

"Of course not, but do we have time for that?" Angela asked.

"It shouldn't take long. Can we start now? The sooner the better," I said

"Okay," Angela nodded

"I'm gonna check on the others," Saber said. Then we started the removal.


We removed it in just fifteen minutes. We assembled Angela's body back carefully. It took more time to assemble as we didn't want to miss a thing on her and Dr. Leo had to stay in his hiding place in case there's an ambush. We're waiting for Angela to reboot after the operation. It should have been just around fifteen minutes, but felt like a decade since we both were silent. I took the initiative to talk.

"I'm just worried," I said while arranging the tools back to their place.

"And I'm helpless," she cleaned her hand in the sink on the corner of the room.

I walked up to Hanabi as she walked back towards me and Dr. Leo, "Atleast, stick with me this time, please. Don't go around without me." I held her arms. Her red eyes met mine, sending the sense of sorrow and fear of losing me. I could see an objection on her face, but she nodded.

"Okay.." she said in a low voice.

"Johnson, you're in charge of the team now. I'll go with Gusion and Hanabi to handle Wu and his toys. Remember what I've briefed you," Saber walked in hurriedly.

"What happened?" We both walked towards him.

"Wu's coming here. Robots keep on coming from the entrance. The others were handling them. Wu's bringing his army here too. They said he is wearing armor," Saber explained.

"We need to hide Angela," I looked around and found a wooden box big enough for Angela between the shelves. We put Angela there and went out to face Wu and his robot subordinates.


"Well, well, well.. What are these leaders doing here, while your team is busy fighting? By the way, I'm amazed at how resistant your team is now, Saber. Lesson learnt, huh?" Wu came right before we could reach the door. He was wearing armor that could lift him up in the air. Hanabi gestured to hide a kind of chip in her hand and deliberately made it obvious for Wu to see. "Aah.. I see why you're all here..." Wu smirked as he saw Hanabi's gesture. I knew that the code chip was destroyed by her previously, so she must be using this fake one to divert attention.

V.E.N.O.M The Getaway Car | Gusion x Hanabi x SaberWhere stories live. Discover now