Chapter 14: Drivin' The Getaway Car

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(Hanabi's POV)

This was the day we'll be delivering the Magic Cube to Dr. Leo's villa. Gusion, please come up... I didn't know what Dr. Wu did to him, but I haven't seen any sign of Gusion. Not even when I saw the V.E.N.O.M members watching us. Gusion, please come out... The thought of him being tortured creeped me out. Just to see his face, that's all I need to make sure he's safe.

"Nervous?" Saber walked in front of me. I flinched as I was brought back to my senses.

"Kind of. My first big mission," I took a deep breath, hoping he didn't see through my mind.

"Everyone will be nervous the first time," he said. "Alright guys, get ready!" He signed everyone to gather up and so I followed him. Everyone surrounded a box containing backpacks. Each of us pulled a backpack. I took the one with two cubes in it.

"As I've brief you guys before, Breacher you take the main road, Enforcer goes in the tunnel, Savior you keep your altitude and watch over the others to provide back up if needed. Automata, you take the mountain road while me and Hanabi sneak through the woods from different sides. Any questions?"

"How would we enter the villa? Is it guarded or how?" I asked.

"Dr. Wu is already there. He's connected to our earpiece as well. He'll open the door once you arrive there," he said. "All right, you're all deployed."

(Gusion's POV)

We had been watching S.A.B.E.R closely for the past few days and today should be the day they left the base with the Magic Cube. Once they're out, they'd already splitted to different directions, but each of them taking the same backpack. Grock had left first to monitor the old lab. "Lizard, any update?"

"I just arrived here. Wu's taking over the place. There are guards around the place," Grock reported.

"Find the secret entrance Dr. Leo told us. Remember to stay low," I commanded.

"Copy that," Grock replied.

"As we've thought. They're using replicas again. Seems like they want to trick us more," I lowered my head and turned to my team. "Alright, we have the testing tool ready. Remember not to let the paper in contact with your skin or it'll mess up the reading," I gave them the testing tools I had previously prepared. "First to check, Saber, Rafaela, and Cyclops. If they're negative, don't bother to fight them, immediately check on the rest. Understood?" I said.

"Yes, Emperor!" the two responded in unison.

"Let's go!" Harley went into the tunnel and Angela fled. I followed Saber through the woods where Hanabi also went.

(Saber's POV)

"Hanabi, report regularly," I said to my earpiece.

"All clear, Captain, but I think I saw a sight of Angela. She must be coming for Savior," Hanabi said.

"I'm aware," Rafaela responded.

"I got an eye on Gusion. He's dashing towards you, Regulator," Rafaela reported.

"Got it," as I thought he'd be running after me.

"Johnson, your position, please," Hanabi seemed alert with Gusion's appearance. She would need Johnson to pick her up.

"I'm right behind you," Johnson replied.

"Keep a steady pace in your track, unless you're being chased. Don't create suspicion," I told the team.

(Third person's POV)

String! Angela caught Rafaela with her Love Waves. She landed the angel on the ground, but Rafaela couldn't move. She quickly grabbed the backpack and checked on the cube inside it. Rafaela paid attention to what she was doing carefully.

V.E.N.O.M The Getaway Car | Gusion x Hanabi x SaberWhere stories live. Discover now