Chapter 4: Seal The Deal

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(Saber's POV)

Something about the Magic Cube infuriated me. Since the S.A.B.E.R was specially assigned to guard it, I spent everyday 24/7 in the facility, making it impossible for me to meet Hanabi as usual. I was pretty much distanced from her ever since, especially after the tragedy. Therefore, I felt a sense of joy when Hanabi finally contacted me today. We agreed to meet in a cafe I chose. She was already there before me, sitting on a table in the corner of the room, wearing a mask. I walked towards her.

"Look, Saber, don't waste my time here. I risked myself coming here. Don't you see why I wear this mask?" she pointed to a mask on her face. "You should've come earlier. Doesn't every police officer have to be punctual??" In fact, I was punctual, it was her who came earlier.

"Why? Are you scared of Gusion? Even if he found you here, you'll just move with us," I took a seat in front of her.

"Can we go straight to the point?" She clenched her fist as she was being impatient.

"Alright.. So you've decided to join us? S.A.B.E.R?" I said make sure.

"Yes," her sight softened a little bit, darkening her iris. "You're right about my brother. He's so obsessed with helping me. He wanted me to be able to spend more time with him, but I couldn't. I regretted kicking him out when I found out about his excessive obsession. I felt guilty, but I let it out to other people," she tried to hold her tears.

"That's not your fault at all, Hanabi, you.." I held her hand, but she pulled it back.

"Sorry, I think we will stop talking about my brother. I hate crying," she took a deep breath to calm herself. It's okay, I'll shed your tears as we used to. I wanted to show her my affectionate self, yet I remembered that everyone in the room were my comrades, so I immediately changed my topics.

"Well, I'm glad you took our offer, but it seemed like we couldn't take you in now. I need to go out of town for a while to handle some issues. Meanwhile, you'll stay with V.E.N.O.M until I update you about the next move." A waiter came to us with a couple cups of coffee. I took one for myself and so she did the same. "For you", we tossed.

After a while, Hanabi seems unwell, massaging her temples. "Hana, are you okay?" I asked with concern in my voice.

"I think I'm going now," she stood up to walk out, but she stumbled on her feet and passed out. I took her right before she hit the table and called my team. "Do it now, quick!"

Hanabi was my friend, my only bestfriend, but she was also part of the V.E.N.O.M. I hate the fact that I had to poison her, but I had to be careful in case she was sent out by the V.E.N.O.M to spy on us. People in the cafe were all my team. One of them mixed the poison in her drink, so we could install a spycam on her earrings. This way we would be able to watch her every move, observing if she was true about her intention in joining us or not.

My comrades headed back first. I took her to my car and she woke up a few moments later. "Are you okay?"

"Sorry, did I just faint?" she asked innocently.

"That's obvious. I took you here, so you won't make a scene" I smiled. "Did you have your lunch?"

"I didn't even have my breakfast," she said. It was a good thing, so she would think she fainted from being hungry rather than being poisoned. "My mind was so occupied with these changing-squad affairs. I've been considering it for a few days." She leaned her back on the passenger seat. I reached out to my car pocket and took a sandwich.

"Here, have this," I gave her the sandwich, which she accepted.

"Thanks," she unwrapped it and split the sandwich into two pieces to share with me. "It's gonna feel weird if I eat alone while you're staring at me," she said. We both chuckled and took half, then we enjoyed them together. The atmosphere was warm and her smile was sincere. It wasn't part of the procedure, but I felt the urge to ask her one thing.

V.E.N.O.M The Getaway Car | Gusion x Hanabi x SaberWhere stories live. Discover now