Chapter 10: The Great Escape The Prison Break

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(Gusion's POV)


I heard the bombing sound from the outside of the building as it somehow rhymed with the verses I'd been repeating in my head.

Go! Go! Go!

Cyclops just received a message from his earpiece as he called Layla, "I'll prepare the plane, you go pick it up." Cyclops went to a nearby computer to activate something, while Layla left to the upper floor.

"This is the sideshow. Harley, let's do it now!" I commanded him.

"Not a good time for puppet play," Grock stood looking at the CCTV with his fake confused expression.

I helped Harley dismantle the key. We did it after a few minutes. "Yes!" Harley exclaimed, then we tossed. Something we never did before and it's simply fun.

"You guys go first. Angela, take care of Cyclops. I need to find my daggers," Harley and Grock went to the upper floor, Angela flew over to strangle Cyclops with her string. I found my dagger in a locker, "Dumb place to hide my daggers," then I went with Angela to the upper floor.

"Smart enough to think about fooling us with a replica," Harley smirked in pride, the safe was in his hand.

"How did you know it's a replica? Who told you?" she struggled from Grock's grasp.

"We didn't know it. We just saw you came here instead of the Magic Cube's room," Angela made up a smart lie.

"Let's get going before the rest come over," I told everyone. Angela flew out and Grock jumped down, while Harley and I went to the inventory room and grabbed a rope to slide down through the window.

We looked for a culvert hole and went in, but unexpectedly Saber was already in the water tunnel. "Always wandering around here like rats. Aren't you tired of running, Gusion?"

Few seconds later, the rest of the S.A.B.E.R surrounded us, except Hanabi.

"Where's Hanabi?" Gusion asked.

"She's busy helping some injured people," Saber answered. "Unlike you, I don't force her into Magic Cube's affair. She cares more about people, kids like her brother especially."

"You don't need to tell us about her. We know her," Angela strangled Rafaela. I understood her action immediately. Rafaela was the only one who could fly to catch her.

"Harley, give her the cube!" I told Harley. He tossed the cube, then Angela fled out. Here the battle started again.

(Hanabi's POV)

We got a report that V.E.N.O.M stole the real Magic Cube. Saber told me to continue the evacuation. I complied as that's what I want, because if I joined them, the battle would be hard for the V.E.N.O.M.

With the help of the firefighter, the fire was extinguished in a short time. I was glad there's no victims in the accident as it happened during break time when most officers and prisoners were having their lunch on the other side of the building. It's the best idea I could think of. I've been considering something like robbery, kidnapping, etc, but those would not invite urgent action from the S.A.B.E.R, also because I have no resources to make up those kinds of scenes.

Previously, I took some explosive device from V.E.N.O.M and managed to hide it under my uniform before I went to join S.A.B.E.R. I've been waiting for the sign of their attacks on S.A.B.E.R's facility to catch them in. When I saw Harley recklessly walking into the facility, I reported him to Saber who took action immediately. Later that mid-night when I went to get some water, I threw the explosives into different trash cans. The trash would usually be loaded out everyday at 10 or 11 a.m. to waste disposal on the west building and I've already set the timer to 12 hours countdown, so they'd explode around lunch time.

V.E.N.O.M The Getaway Car | Gusion x Hanabi x SaberWhere stories live. Discover now