Chapter 12: I Stole The Key

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(Saber's POV)

We're counting days to the moving of the Magic Cube. During night shift, the girls turn shift guarding the Magic Cube, while the boys keep their eyes on Gusion. My mind was filled with Hanabi on how she was mad, her hatred, and the way she always fell for Gusion even though he's her enemy. When I got my time out, I didn't take a nap immediately as I saw Hanabi walking down to the office floor. I followed her quietly, then she stopped at a glass window near the stairs. Sat there peacefully as she looked out of the window.

"Enjoy the view?" I asked. She glanced at me for a while, and it seemed like she didn't care at all.

"No one's expecting you here," she said softly, still looking out of the window.

"I know you're still mad at me. I'm just here to say sorry, again.." I said awkwardly. "It's all my own fault. I didn't take a shot."

"What do you mean?" She looked at me coldly.

"No, don't misunderstand. It's not about him," I said. "It's about.. Me.. I'm here because I feel like I owe you an explanation. I liked you, for years ago, but I've never had a gut to tell you. I always enjoy your company. You're the sweetest person I know."

"I'm not in the mood to be flattered," she looked back to the window.

"I'm not trying to. I only tell the truth. The night of the explosion, I saw hatred in your eyes. I couldn't bear it. I was planning to make it up to you once I finished the Magic Cube's affair. Turns out, you happen to be on the enemy's side." I explained to her.

"Is that why you want me to join here? Just so we can be in the same team??" She tilted her head in annoyance.

"No, I've planned for your joining before that. I've proposed it to Dr. Wu," I said, but she ignored me. "Why don't you take a nap?"

"I don't feel like taking a nap," she said.

"I'm gonna wait here too, then," I told her and took a seat on the floor opposite to her. She ignored me.

I fell asleep and when I woke up, Hanabi was also sleeping with her head leaning on the window. I checked on her if she'd wake up from a touch. Good thing she was having a deep sleep. I took her to the upper stair where Rafaela just woke up, changing shifts with Layla who already slept in no time. I laid her down on the sofa as I secretly kissed her forehead. "You don't need to be so secretive. It's not breaking any rules if you fell for her," as always Rafaela caught me.

"Thanks for the ensurement, but she belonged to someone else," I said. "Any finding?"

"Layla told me that Angela and Grock have been wandering around for the last 30 minutes," she reported.

"Stay alert. They might wait for something. Maybe a sign of Gusion. I'll go back. Make sure your earpiece is always on," I warned her.

"Got it, Cap. All ready," she responded.

(Third person's POV)

Saber and Johnson were sleeping, while Cyclops was watching on Gusion. "Hei, Cyclops. Can I get a glass of water at least," Gusion said.

Cyclops looked annoyed, but he still took a glass and returned in no time, "I'm not doing it willingly."

"Sure," Gusion said, then as he turned back Gusion stung him and inserted enough venom to paralyze him. "Thanks for the drink," he smirked.

Gusion unlocked the bar and silently went to the location where the safe was put before, but it was not there anymore. He went to the next floor as he saw Rafaela guarding the cube. And yes, there was an 'X' mark on the safe. He waited for Rafaela to pass in front of him and once she did, he stung her. Rafaela fell down and he caught her, so her body impact wouldn't wake up the other. He hurriedly walked towards the cube and grabbed it, but suddenly he couldn't move and fell down.

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