Chapter 17: Launch Attack

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(Hanabi's POV)

"5 minutes to go."

"I'm technically still a 'killing machine' they made back then. The difference is now I'm in control of myself," Saber explained himself.

"Yet now, you're about to be controlled again and you're holding some grudges towards me," Gusion started to understand the situation.

"That's why you beat him up last time, because of the grudge you're holding," I said to Saber.

"Our feud had been rotten to the core it seems," Gusion looked at him. I think in this case, they both have mutual understanding. They both were leaders of their own squad who just decided to join forces, but as the other members started to fix their relationship towards each other, the feud between the two leaders still continued.

"The way you always be so self-centered when you're still a S.A.B.E.R member was really irritating," Saber said.

"And the way you justify justice was so stiff," Gusion replied.

"You didn't have to leave and create your own squad only to keep the cube from Wu and you know you could always come to me to talk about the matter. You betrayed us for no reason," Saber spoke out his grudge against Gusion.

"If I do talk to you about the matter, Wu would deal with me the way he dealt with Dr. Leo. I knew how petty he is and how you always be his right hand and comply with him no matter what he commands you," Gusion validated his action, which made sense.

"We don't have time to decide who's right or wrong here," I stopped the two of them, then I turned to Gusion. "You should let me fight against Saber instead," I said certainly.

"No!" Gusion refused immediately.

"You can't beat him up," I argued.

"If you think I can't fight him, let alone you," he said.

"Your feud with him will fuel his attack on you. Not to me," I reasoned my opinion.

"How can you be so sure? I'm not..." Gusion's word was cut.

"Because I love her," Saber admitted. "You may not like it, but it's a fact. I will in my power not let her get hurt," Saber indirectly said his vow to Gusion.

"In your power?? You'll be controlled, Saber," Gusion still didn't wanna risk it.

"If you fight him, you'll lose in no time," Layla helped to ensure Gusion. He was about to argue back, but she prevented him by saying, "Your pride won't accept it, but it's true. I'm sure you can deal with me faster, Hanabi can stall sometimes until you are ready to help her. If we do the other way, she probably can't focus on fighting me while she has to see you beaten up at the same time."

"She's right, Gusion, please," I kissed him deeply for a brief moment. "Trust me. It's the best choice we have."

"Just so you know. I'm very much not liking it!" He held my head firmly as if he was about to lose me. His voice shivered and sounded like he was holding back tears.

"I know," I whispered.

"Get to your positions," he commanded. Everyone took their positions respectively, aligned themselves to their designated opponents. Saber and I took the east side, after Layla and Gusion.

"1 minute to go."

Saber held my hands as he said, "I'll try my best. If you need to kill me, just do it. I'd rather die than to hurt you," he said sincerely.

"I'm not gonna kill you," I said. He was my best friend. Killing him would never be on my list.

"You have to when the time comes," he let go of my hands and we both walked to our respective sides, preparing ourselves for the unwanted battle.

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