It wasn't a falsehood.

The Healing Tower had consistently pressured him to set fair fees.

The two lords reluctantly nodded.

"Very well. Then, how much is the treatment fee going to be?"

"In this case, let's see... If I calculate it, each of you would be charged 1.5 million penas. However, I'll offer a special discount and make it 1.4 million penas."


They reacted with surprise. It was indeed an exorbitant amount.

"Such an exorbitant amount!"

Raymond wore a genuinely sympathetic expression.

"Yes, it's an outrageous sum. However, based on the Healing Tower's official fee regulations, that amount is accurate."

Raymond presented them with a public letter sent by the Healing Tower.

It was a letter pressuring him to charge at least this much as a treatment fee.

"In the case of this epidemic, given that Double A-grade healer Viscount Dorian failed to cure it, we should consider it to be a disease of at least Double A-grade or higher."

For reference, A-grade was 1,000 penas. Double A-grade was the "minimum" standard fee set by the Healing Tower at 3,000 penas.

"But... this is an epidemic."

"Correct. For epidemics, there are separate regulations. According to these rules, you have to charge an amount equivalent to 1/20 of the designated treatment fee for the corresponding grade, multiplied by the number of the Lord's subjects."

As a reference, it was the standard treatment fee when completely eradicating an epidemic.

The Healing Tower had established this rule to collect as much of the treatment fee as possible.

According to the Healing Tower's regulations, it amounted to 150 penas per subject.

Considering the populations of both domains, 1.5 million penas was indeed accurate.

While in practice, the Healing Tower often reached an agreement at a reasonable amount, this rule existed.

However, it was indeed true that the regulations mandated such a treatment fee.

The two lords remained speechless, only blinking in surprise.

Raymond, wearing a deeply sympathetic expression, addressed them.

"I'm also in a difficult position. I don't want to impose a treatment fee, but the Healing Tower has been pressing me relentlessly."

Normally, Raymond wouldn't even think twice about such a piece of paper, but he grimaced as if it were a painful issue.

After putting on a thoughtful act, he continued with a supportive tone.

"That's why I've devised a solution for you two."

"What is it?"

"The payment deadline is set for 50 years, effectively making it a loan from me."

The eyes of the two lords widened.

"Of course, it's interest-free. If both of you govern your subjects under my leadership, you'll repay 30,000 penas annually. How does that sound?"


"Isn't that a reasonable deal? After all, it's an obligation of the lords to govern their people. Fulfill your responsibilities, and the debt will disappear on its own."

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