Ben's UAF classmates x Male Reader

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Gwen:And you couldn't have told us about it?!

Kevin:Yeah,I want to see what new things it can do...And you should've left a message.

Y/N:Gwen gave you the look,didn't she?


Y/N:No need to punch Kevin over it.At least not now.

Gwen:Just get back here.We have to go to school and playing with a ultimate alien weapon that we're keeping a secret is not a good exuse.

Y/N:OK,I'll be right there.I unlocked a fast alien,not as fast as XLR8 but he should do the job. 

Gwen:I don't care.Just get here as soon as possible!

With that,she hung up.

Y/N:Sheesh.And I thought she was calmer nowdays.Better do as the angry magic lady says.Fastrack!

He slammed down on the Ultimatrix and transformed into a blue and black biped felid. Fastrack:Let's see what's running super fast without a tail like.

He took a stance and bolted off through the forrest.

Timeskip Kevin's garage

Gwen was impatiently tapping her foot next to Kevin and his car as they noticed a gust of wind coming their way.The invisible force ran straight inside the concealed space of the garage and emitted a bright green light to show Y/N with few forest leaves in his hair.

Y/N:Was that fast enough or what?

Kevin:Barely.l'm your taxi service you know?

Y/N:I thought that was the whole point you're on our team.


Y/N:What?After everything he'd done to me and you when we were kids and messing up after teaming up with us,don't I deserve to mess with him a little?

Gwen:Just get in the car.

They got in Kevin's car and he drove them of the their highschool,which is something he can't say for himself.While it was incredibley,sometimes lethaly boring,it was the most normal the Tennyson cousins could get.Luckily,they managed to preserve their secrets even after the time his old Elementary school bullies took a Techadon robot glove.But a well deserved beat down after and they were quiet like fish.If Omnitrix - gave him Swampfire that time,he might've even prepared them like some fish.Y/N and Gwen went over to their lockers that were fortunately next to one another so they had more privacy to talk about their more interesting lives.

Y/N:You know who I miss?Animo.


Y/N:At least the younger-ish version.It'd be nice to tackle some giant mutant animal from time to time.Now it's always aliens,the Highbreed and DNAliens weren't all that interesting.

Gwen:It would be nice if we didn't have to deal with any of them.

Y/N:Why?You can stop jogging and taking martial arts classes and you'd still get a good workout.As opposed to all the unnecessary extra classes that will make you burn out.

Gwen:First of all,it's judo.Second of all,they're not unnecessary.I can get into a good college and earn a well paying,decent job.

Y/N:Here's the thing Gwen.I don't see you ten years from now,arranging some papers in an office with glasses.I see you floating in the air with glowing eyes and mastering the magic and Anodite skills you can't even imagine to take down the worst Universe has to offer,alongside me and maybe Kevin.

Gwen:...Y/N,you need to get serious.

Y/N:I am serious.

Gwen:No,you're not.Fame is getting to you.There won't be me and "maybe Kevin".At some point,we're gonna make a life together.You can put on the solo act all you want but you're still gonna get lonely.You need to think about your future.And maybe who'll you share it with.

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