Chapter 20

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Aura swung her sword swiftly, creating blasts of magic that were directed at the four people fighting her. They knew better than to underestimate a former warrior of their empire, however, their redhead was reluctant to hurt her mother, despite it being her corpse.

Dodging another attack, Gunter yelled to his friend. "Riz! You need to fight her if you want to survive!" He shouted at her before slamming his spear on the ground, creating a shield that was aimed at him. Although the attack was blocked, Aura didn't give him a chance to breathe and went for another attack, sending him back and crashing onto the wall.

"Gunter!" Clarissa cried out,

"Clarissa, you know your mom best. I believe you're the only one who can defeat her and the Devil controlling her." Onyx said as he and Luminous engaged in close combat with their blades, embedded with their magic,

"I can't harm my mom." She said, refusing to raise her sword at the person who taught her how to wield it.

"Do you believe your mother would've wanted you to see her like this, Clarissa?" Luminous asked, getting pushed back by the force of Aura's blade. "Even if it's her body that's being controlled, it would break her spirit that she killed her only child with her own sword!" He said as he unleashed his dragon fire from his palm, pushing Aura slightly back.

Onyx went for the blind spot and was about to strike. The Demon King, being the puppeteer, made Aura block both attacks, surprising the two men and striking them with a blast that knocked them back to the ground. Seeing her friends falling one by one, Clarissa knew what must be done, even if she was unwilling to do so.

"You must set her free from his control and... put her body to rest." Luminous groaned as he tried to get back on his feet, "You are not alone in this fight, Clarissa." He said looking back at her, "Remember the things she taught you that made you who you are."

"Luminous..." Clarissa felt touched by his words and firmed her resolve. Standing firm on her feet, she raised her sword surrounded by her magic that overflows with her emotions. She remembered her mother's words in the times she was a child, learning her techniques. "A Warrior is the sword of Dragonia. For those who stand against us, will fall in the hands of those who protect the Empire!" Clarissa phrased her mother's words, raising her sword and pointing it towards her. "Thus, I challenge you."

With those words, both mother and daughter clashed blades, creating a blinding light from their power at their attacks. Moving swiftly, both countered their strikes and aimed for their weak spots while channeling their own magic through each attack. One strike nearly pierced Clarissa's head as she moved to dodge, kicking Aura away to follow up a sword blast.

"Stand firm and tall. A Warrior doesn't back down nor slack in raising their sword."

Aura's words rang through Clarissa's ears, remembering the lessons she taught and adapting them to their fight. However, her mother moves quickly and attacks her front. Clarissa immediately went for a block and braised herself from getting pushed back, as she maintained her stance.

"Control your magic, let it surround you, and embrace it. Don't let fear take you over, Clarissa."

Jumping, she flipped into the air and landed on solid ground, maintaining her balance as Clarissa allowed her magic to surge around her. Protecting and strengthening her resolve upon surpassing her mother. Aura unleashed a powerful blast, overcoming the defense on Clarissa, and causing her to be knocked back on the ground.

"Clarissa!" The three men cried out in worry,

"It Is FuTiLe! Go On AnD fInIsH hEr, My GeNeRaL! DeStRoY hEr!" The Demon King ordered as Aura slowly approached Clarissa, walking like the reaper of death who have come to collect the soul of the person who is on the brink of death.

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