Chapter 15

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When the announcement of the Demon Realm reviving came to the public, everyone feared for themselves if they were going to be the Demon King's next victims and soon-to-be pawns in the upcoming war. The King of the Dragonia Empire declared that all noble houses would participate in the war with their strongest warriors, including those who possess the gift of the Elemental Spirit.

The Royal and Pendragon Warriors were set into leading the expedition war, ensuring that the stone corpses were to be destroyed and the demon monsters killed. The Dragonia Archives was placed to set a barrier around the whole empire, ensuring the safety of the people within as the warriors ward off the pawns of the Demon Realm.

Each noble house that was to participate was set to prepare for two months before their departure. In preparation, the King ordered Clarissa to train every warrior, including those in the royal guard. Recognizing her position every warrior all trained under her methods. Some of the Pendragon Warriors eased her burden by helping her train some.

Everyone in the empire was focused on preparation, so much so that they all wished for this nightmare to be over. However, some are reluctant to leave their families, including the young redhead. In this time, two months passed, and everyone was now prepared to depart for the border zone.

Dragon Riders are set to take the lead in the skies while some would stay on the ground with the other warriors upon departure.

Clarissa and her father hugged each other tight, refusing to say farewell. "I'll see you soon, Dad." She said looking up at him,

"Just come back safe, my young warrior. You're the only light that your mother has left for me." Orion said,

"I'm going to war, Dad. I might not come back in one piece, but you'll have my word that I will come home alive." Clarissa said to him, trying to lighten up the mood with a small joke, making Orion smile as he kissed her forehead,

"I love you, my dear daughter." He said, giving her one last hug,

"I love you too, Daddy." She said, her heart aching to stay but knew that she must go.

Parting away from her only parent, Clarissa approached Luminous who was patiently waiting for her. Watching them made Luminous think of his interaction with Lord Drake an hour ago in his office. He felt a painful tug in his heart.


"I'm not sure how long this war will be, but I'm only asking you to look after Mother, Solana, and Mr. Romana while I'm away." Luminous said to Lord Drake as he faced the large window, gazing at the warriors either preparing to leave or saying their farewell to their loved ones.

"You have my word that they will be under my wing, Luminous. You're shared work with Alexandra would be doubled, but I'll make sure to lessen it for your mother." Lord Drake said, sighing as he touched the glass window, "It is your duty and responsibility to keep the people of the empire safe, but war is a different matter. Although it pains me to send two of my sons to this Demon war, I know there's nothing we can do but pray for the best." He then turned around, with an expression that surprised Luminous.

Lord Drake had tears coming down his eyes. Luminous doesn't recall seeing the head of the house this emotional and usually puts up a strong front. But deep down, the elder Dragonborn was just another person with feelings they couldn't ignore forever.

"Luminous, I may not be the greatest example of a father to you." Lord Drake said as he approached his youngest son. Placing a warm yet firm hand on his shoulder, he looked directly into the same golden eyes he possessed. "But I hope for the day to come for my youngest son to call me 'Father'. You've proved yourself as a great man, more than me at your age, Luminous. Come back home, my son. I- We'll be waiting for your return, along with Clarissa and the warriors." He said with a smile as he walked past him, "Speaking of your fiance, Luminous... I genuinely hope you don't lose her. She's the best thing you've got in searching for a potential mate."

Hearing the door closed, Luminous held his flushed face in his hand. It had been difficult to just talk about work with his rider. But the thought of losing her to another man unbearable and left him angry at himself for feeling like this.

"Hah... As if she's thinking the same thing as me at present." Luminous said to himself in mockery. "These lingering attachments are temporary. She doesn't see you in that way, you fool."

Although the engagement was real, it was merely a contract for Clarissa's safety in high society and to raise her reputation. What's more, his rider was the most reluctant in the engagement when she tried to reason with them.


"Luminous? Earth to Luminous!"

Snapping out of his thoughts, the purple-haired Dragonborn looked down at the concerned expression of his Rider. Upon gazing at her, he noticed that she was wearing her ocher cape again.

"You, okay? You seemed out of focus today." Clarissa asked,

"Didn't I already tell you to wear the Pendragon color when we're outside?" He asked, a bit annoyed since Clarissa still doesn't see herself as part of the Pendragons yet.

"Hey. I'm the one asking the question. So, answer." She stated firmly, with an annoyed glare, much to his amusement,

"It's nothing important." Luminous said to her before looking back at the mansion.

Seeing his mothers, siblings, and Orion Romana giving their best wishes for the war, it was clear that they were worried for their wellbeing while on the battlefield. As he was about to transform, he caught a glimpse of Drake by one of the large windows. Luminous's eyes widened in surprise, as he felt a warm feeling in his chest at the thought of him seeing him off.

Clarissa caught this and smiled warmly at her commander as she closed her eyes. "No matter how distant you two are right now, a parent can never ignore their child forever." She said to him, making Luminous look at her. Gazing at him, she continued, "It's clear that Lord Drake cares for you in his own way. It's common knowledge that parents make mistakes on their child, but it doesn't mean they already hate you. Blood is thicker than water, and no one can change the fact that you're his flesh and blood, Sir."

She then walked towards the front of the warriors who were ready for departure, leaving Luminous stunned at her speech. He gave a small smile, knowing that she was right since she had a close bond with her father.

'Whatever happens, I'd want her by my side... For as long as she would let me.' Luminous thought to himself as he followed after his partner.

Five Years Later...

"Paladins! Aim your magic towards the center! Knights, cover them!" Clarissa yelled as she instructed the warriors on the ground,

"Dragon Riders! Cover them in the air!" Luminous also gave his instructions as soon they ascended towards the sky, taking the lead. "Clarissa."

"I know. I can see it." She said as they gazed at the flock of phantom demons flying towards them. Clarissa prepared her sword, engulfing it with her magic as she was about to strike.

	The Second Demon Realm War is near its final ruins

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The Second Demon Realm War is near its final ruins.

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