Chapter 18

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The Warriors took three days on break to train after their success. Clarissa took advantage of that time to train and improve her abilities. Her methods in expanding her magic abilities for an Ice element were balancing on water and freezing the surface from her feet. Compressing the elemental magic of Wind, Fire, and Water within her, she can walk on the water's surface.

Clarissa stood there compressing her magic for six hours straight. Not only was she compressing her magic, but also meditating for concentration and control in maintaining her position on the water. The warriors who passed her training spot wondered for how much longer she would stay like that since it had been hours since they had first watched her training. What's more, she skipped lunch.

The night fell upon them as each commander of the family house was getting concerned about the redhead training until dusk. Lucien in particular was getting concerned by the strain she's been pushing herself in. Luminous had informed them of his fiancé's methods in the hope that they could be adapted for the warriors to try. Though it did make him worry.

When the time marked eight hours, Clarissa used her wind and water abilities to push herself out of the small lake, making the warriors watch. However, they noticed the water about to flood them over from the force and were headed towards their direction. Taking this opportunity, Clarissa brushed her hand on the surface of the water with magic, causing it to freeze in an instant, much to everyone's shock.

Landing safely, the redhead was satisfied with her progress on display. But because she'd been standing on the water for too long, her legs gave out. Luminous immediately caught her fall the second her knees buckled.

"Thanks." Clarissa said to him, though a bit tired from the ordeal,

"Seems like you love harming yourself in your training to the point of breaking your limits." Luminous mused, after getting a taste of her training method with the warriors of Pendragon. "I assume you've accomplished the results you wanted?" He asked as he supported her back on her feet.

"Yeah, I did." She said looking at the ice she created. "I felt my magic for Ice grew stronger along with my Water element. My Lightning needs some work on the spark." Clarissa raised her hand and used her magic, creating a bolt of electricity onto the ice, causing a light crack in the frozen water. It ended up spreading before falling back into the small lake.

"You call that 'needs some work'?" Lucien asked in sarcasm, despite being impressed alongside the other warriors. "I'd say a little bit extreme on the training since you still can't stand up on your own." He said, much to Clarissa's embarrassment,

"That's Riz, for ya." Gunter says, laughing out loud with Onyx,

"You really are unstoppable in getting things done your way." Onyx said amused,

Eventually, the warriors trained at the same time as Clarissa did the very next day. Needless to say, they all failed miserably. They wondered how in heaven a woman of her stature managed to endure so much at such a young age. The only ones who were able to make some signs of progress were the Pendragon warriors who trained under their Lieutenant, Gunter Brierman, Onyx Houde, and the Commander of the Pendragon himself.

It was evident that the war they were fighting, which they thought was true hell, was nothing compared to the training they were given. It was no wonder the engaged couple were able to fight on the front lines, making it look so easy due to their competence and skills. Everyone thinks that it's ridiculous to see their enemies be down in a second during the first three years of the war.

Most male warriors thought that Luminous had a unique standard for a lover like Clarissa, especially with her unstoppable nature.

After three days of training under the guidance of Clarissa, every warrior was able to achieve their goal of creating a new element. Having this in mind as their abilities grew stronger while applying the same methods of training, the Strategy meeting devised a plan formation to charge the Demon King's territory.

Through each day, the scouts came back from their reconnaissance mission, only to report that the extension of the Demon King's territory was slowly expanding. Realizing this, the warriors moved swiftly in preparation as well as training harder for the upcoming fight. They knew that killing the Demon King was the only way to ease the minds of the people of Dragonia and prevent the Demon Realm from ever rising. Thus, everyone both mentally and physically prepared themselves for the final stages of the war, in the hope that they would come back alive.

5 Hours Later

"Keep pushing forward!" Luminous shouted as he turned into his dragon form, shooting fire toward the monsters approaching them. Lucien and some of the Dragonborns followed his example and turned as well.

"Wind and Water! Make a path to cross the flames now!" Clarissa ordered, raising her sword with her magic glowing in the color of the wind and water, "Earth! Get ready for the defense!" She said before unleashing a hydro whirlpool magic from her sword, causing the rest of the monsters to be pushed back and creating a path for them to cross.

"Warriors, forward!" Lucien gave the order as every warrior charged into the Demon King's territory, using their enhanced physical prowess. Taking in mind that the bloody air absorbs any magic they use, they relied on their physical abilities, giving credit to their ruthless redhead instructor for the hellish training they received in their lifetime.

As warriors charged in, Clarissa, Gunther, and Onyx took the lead by attacking the first defenders. With the aid of their physical enhancement training, they move swiftly and attack more with precision to their weak points.

The Hybrids used their physical strength and abilities to their advantage in attacking the monsters. Considering that the blood of a Dragonborn was dominant in strength, they assisted in ripping the limbs of the demon army's monsters from their comrades and allowed their primal instincts to handle the larger ones.

"Having the Hybrids unleashed like that. Didn't think it would be this useful." Gunter mused, stabbing a demon that charged in front of him and letting Onyx behead the creature.

"That gave us the fighting chance on a physical level." Onyx said swinging his sword as he severed the demon's body in half, "Otherwise, we'd be dead."

"At least you know that it's not easy to be chained." Clarissa said, knocking away the creatures that came her way and letting the warriors finish it. "Sometimes we just need to break free from our chains and unleash the power locked within us, embracing our true selves in the process. There's no shame in being what you are despite it being abnormal." She said, kicking a demon's head from behind without looking.

"I think you're the abnormal one who thinks that way." Onyx bluntly said, despite knowing that his friend's heart was in the right place.

They continued to push through the army of monsters, not noticing the Demon King watching from below on the building he stood as he unleashed more of his deadly aura. He was frustrated with the resistance, refusing to be wiped away from existence after realizing that his stones were destroyed.

"VeRy WeLl YoU lOwLy PeSt. I bElIeVe It'S tImE fOr My GeNeRaL tO cOmE oUt AnD pLaY." The Demon King said looking right behind him. He was satisfied upon seeing his strongest person, despite the body being a corpse, the strength, and abilities she possessed even after death still remained. "KiLl ThAt BrAt AnD tHoSe AnTs FoR mE, dEaR aUrA."

Aura's corpse came alive under the control of the Demon King. Her lifeless eyes glowed red in submission, forced to obey her master's will.

"As You Wish, My King."

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