Chapter 17

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"What's the verdict?" Luminous asked as soon as he and Clarissa entered the meeting tent and immediately spoke with Lucien,

"As we get closer to the location of the Demon King's lair, the scouts reported that the area is complicated to take over." Lucien said and he pointed to the location on the map, that was spread out on the table. "Unlike the previous times we've been able to conquer the lands and purify them, the air where the Demon King is current, is much thicker. I've already had the scout get disinfected in case anything might happen to them."

"Even if we do manage to get through the air, the problem would be the monsters waiting on us from the inside." Luminous said as he looked at the locations. "Getting closer to the Demon King would mean that we're facing his elite guards. Not only are they stronger, but smarter."

"If getting closer to the territory of the damned king means no oxygen to breathe, then that would mean that he is the one creating it, especially if the monsters are only getting stronger." Clarissa spoke her thoughts out loud, gaining the two men's attention, "Using the Wind Spirit's protection would do the trick in shielding us against the toxic air and blow away the attackers, however, using that kind of magic that is akin to the Spirit itself would put a great strain on the user's body, let alone prolonging the effect of the shield itself."

"Does combining the users of the specific elemental spirit strengthen the protection?" Lucien asked,

"It does, Sir." Clarissa confirmed yet has a frown on her face, "However, it has a flaw. The flow of magic would only drain them, especially if the users do not possess the same capacity level of magic as the others."

"Meaning if they don't synchronize in the flow of maintaining it because they lack or don't have enough magic, it would end up as the Domino effect." Luminous concluded, earning a nod from his partner,

"We would need to consult with Apollo on this matter." Lucien said before giving the order, "Gather the number of each warrior who can use the spiritual power of the wind. Measure their capacity levels and bring it to me before the strategy meeting." His eyes then turned to Clarissa, "Include yourself in the list, Clarissa. I have a feeling we want to compare yours as well."

"Noted." Clarissa nodded as she and Luminous came out of the tent.

"You're able to sense the element of the wind when the magic capacity is stronger, yes?" Luminous asked her,

"Yup. The Mckenna Family has many Wind element users, either through the training given or are born with it through the bloodline." Clarissa explains to him. "River told me the wind is a shield that wards away all evil and protects those who wish to harm. It's rather powerful like the other three. Water cleanses and heals. Fire strengthens and destroys. Wind protects and defends. Earth rebirths and demise."

"It sounds about right for the Four Elemental Spirits. Dragons are more related to Nature, most likely kindred to Fire and Earth." Luminous said as he looked at Clarissa, "There isn't much I could do."

"Not entirely, Luminous." She disagrees and goes on to explain, "Although it's true that Dragon magic is akin to Fire and Earth, that gives them the strength and ability to endure most attacks. Using that very magic could help in Dragon Form when protecting."

"True, however, little advantage is fighting in that form when the enemy outnumbers you." He pointed out,

"And that's why Riders are there to help." Clarissa smiled as she faced him, "We may be opposite in most aspects, but we counter each other's flaws which allows us to fight stronger."

Luminous smiled with a light chuckle, "You certainly have your way of thinking positively." He said holding her hand,

"Eh, I try anyways." She said as they went on and attended to their tasks.

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