Chapter 8

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"I understand the walls of the Dragonia keep all of the people safe, but it still worries me about the monsters scattered near the borders." Clarissa said, looking down from above as she observed the land beneath her. She was currently riding on Luminous's Dragon Form. "But what's causing them to increase so much?" She asked,

"It's Mating Season." Luminous said, "This often occurs in midsummer. The monsters that live near the borders are often few, but the fact that there are more this early in the summer is questionable."

"Mating Season? Doesn't that happen to your kind as well, Luminous?" Clarissa asked out of curiosity,

"It's similar to us Dragonborns, but because our bodies adapted over the years, it doesn't affect us much. Those who wish to have a mate as their lifelong partner happen in the winter for a socializing event for unwedded people." Luminous explained as he continued, "It's originally for Dragonborns, but now, Humans and Hybrids are welcome to find their mate for life in that socializing. It occurs every Winter."

"I have a feeling I'll be dragged into that event." Clarissa dreaded the thought but went back to the main issue. "Anyways, is it necessary to bring my whole squad and not yours? I get my methods for increasing physical strength and channeling them to our swords is effective, but this is mostly a gamble on my part."

"Rest assured. I have asked for assistance from Apollo if something went wrong during the extermination." Luminous said as they flew past the borders.

At the distance, a small camp was settled there along with the Pendragon and Voland warriors. Several of Clarissa's squad made it into the center, which were the Hybrids and Humans. At the same time, the Dragon Riders flew with them in the air. Nearing the ground, Apollo waved his hand toward the aerial group as they landed.

Clarissa got off Luminous's back, allowing him to transform as they approached Apollo.

"Glad you made a safe trip in the air." Apollo said as he turned to Clarissa, "How was your first flight with Lumen just now, Ms. Clarissa?" He asked,

"It was great for a first flight, quick and steady. I can only imagine what it would be like for an actual aerial fight." Clarissa said, knowing that she would need the training to just stay on a dragon's back mid-air.

"That can wait for another time." Luminous said to her before turning to his brother. "Any change in their numbers so far?"

"None, but they have been behaving rather strangely." Apollo said, crossing his arms, "I went to scout just moments ago and felt something strange with their auras. It... felt like I was looking at walking corpses."

"Walking corpses?" Clarissa quietly said in alarm, "I thought those types of creatures were wiped away from history centuries ago." She said,

"Indeed." Apollo agreed with her statement, "I did little research on the subject, but one conclusion that comes to mind is the underlings of the Demon Realm." That revelation shocked the two people before him, letting him explain further. "I know it's presumptuous, but if the aura of death is what I sensed in those Ogres, then we have a serious problem on our hands."

Although the Demon Realm was long gone from their current world era, it was hard to believe that the minions of the Demon king were coming to the surface when the remains were sealed away in some parts of the world.

"Has there been any news about the seal breaking?" Luminous asked,

"There hasn't. I've told Lucian about this, and he's currently confirming it with the King." Apollo rubbed his head, "If the seal is indeed broken or undone, then all hell will break through with the Demon King's tyranny."

"Let's not lose hope yet." Clarissa said to Apollo. "Anyways, we can deal with the matter of the Demon Realm later. We must first prioritize exterminating the Ogres." She said, looking at her squad. "My suggestion may seem like a gamble, but with the circumstances of our situation, there isn't an option."

"Agreed." Luminous said as he turned to his rider. "I'll be letting you lead this for now." He said surprising her. "I'll provide support with the other Dragonborns when our men can't handle the situation."

"I've tasked the Voland warriors to assist in trapping at least two Ogres alive to study them." Apollo said, "Just to be safe, we must eliminate all before more damage is done."

"Yes, Sir." Clarissa said to her two superiors. "Then I suggest that we strike once the sunsets. Even if it means the monsters are stronger at night, it will provide us time to not only set the traps but also ambush them at their weak spot. After all, Ogres are blind at night." She said then reminded a major part of the plan. "We just need to make sure that no one is creating a light show. All Ogres will charge straight to that one light like an oversized stampede."

"Noted. Have this relayed with Voland's Commander and some of your squad assist them in setting the traps." Luminous said, having confidence in his rider with her competence. "We're counting on you."

"Understood sir. If you'll excuse me." She saluted her commander before walking towards the Voland warriors, leaving the two Pendragon brothers alone,

Apollo chuckled, impressed with Clarissa's determination, and knew that his younger brother was fortunate to have her at his side. 'Lumen never agrees with women when it comes to strategies, even if some are part of the warriors. This is the first time he's willing to let someone take the lead on exterminating monsters.' He thought and hoped for the best outcome for Luminous. Apollo's golden eyes then spotted the redhead conversing with a Voland warrior, making him laugh.

"What's so funny?" Luminous asked Apollo with his famous stone face,

"Nothing. Clarissa seems to be quite the social person." Apollo smiled innocently as he pointed where she was, "She seems quite familiar with that man she's speaking to."

Luminous followed his finger, only for his stone expression to falter slightly in shock. Apollo enjoyed the quick change in his brother's expression, knowing only a girl like Clarissa could have such an effect on him.

He patted his shoulder in comfort. "That young man is probably a classmate of hers. No need to fear of your precious rider being taken away from you, Brother. She's all yours so your jealousy is unprecedented." Apollo teased him,

Snapping out of his daze, Luminous glared at Apollo, looking displeased. "Who are you calling jealous, Apollo?" He asked, voice dangerously deep with annoyance,

Apollo didn't answer but smiled instead. "I'm merely stating that don't waste your time denying the things you want. You'll only end up with regret if you choose to run away. I'm sure Father is waiting for you to acknowledge him." He said,

Luminous tensed up. Clenching his eyes shut, he calmed himself. "I can never forgive him, Apollo. You know that." He spoke slowly with a hint of sadness in his tone,

"I know. I couldn't forgive either, but I chose to let it pass since it was years ago, and I'd rather have our family be together than we are apart." Apollo said, patting Luminous's shoulder lightly. "Just think about it later. Our priority is this fight." He said before leaving him to reorganize his thoughts.

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