Chapter 14

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Clarissa sighed, unsure of what to make of the things she had learned tonight. She walked through the palace garden after excusing herself from the Mckenna family. She needed to be alone to reorganize her thoughts. Seeing a fountain at the center of the garden, she went and sat down, relaxing her aching feet.

"Agh, seriously. How do those models and noble women stand in heels for a whole day without complaining?" She muttered to herself as massaged her aching feet.

"Well, well, well. Look what the cat dragged in." A familiar yet irritating voice caught her ears, as Clarissa looked up to see the person last wanted to appear tonight. "It would seem that we are destined to meet, Clarissa Romana."

Clarissa scoffed as she stood up, with a hostile glare at her. "Heather Brager, a pleasant evening. It seems like you haven't learned the proper manners of greeting someone, since your inner mockery in your voice is quite ear-piercing." She said, smirking coldly at her, fuming face.

"You!" Heather's earlier calm demeanor immediately turned grim at Clarissa's remark. "Just because you are engaged to my Luminous doesn't mean you'll stay with him forever! You're just a lowly Commoner! You don't deserve him!" She insulted the young warrior, but Clarissa was unaffected.

Heather had been insulting Clarissa specifically since they were kids. She was spoiled and arrogant about having everything she wanted. The girl was full of herself, thinking that everyone was beneath her, when in fact, she was brainless and delusional.

"Honestly, you're acting like a child whose toy has been taken away. You should really start acting like a proper noble lady rather than be an arrogant spoiled brat." Clarissa said, crossing her arms.

"Hmph! I am a proper noble lady! Unlike you, I'm born from a higher ranking than you." Heather said as she flaunty expressed the luxurious style she was wearing.

Clarissa looked at her from head to toe, thinking that Heather's sense of style was very... appalling to say the least. Her face was covered in thick bright makeup, she was wearing head-to-toe expensive and heavy jewelry, and her dress was so big that one would think she was attending a ball instead of a gathering.

'She's practically bathing in luxury to the point her sense of style and taste are horrid.' Clarissa thought as she gazed at the woman in front of her. 'This is why I'd rather stay simple. The world of the rich and powerful is no place for plain sword maniac like me.' She rolled her eyes and turned to leave, only to hear a gunshot pass by her ear.

"Don't think you should leave just yet." Heather threatened, making Clarissa turn around to see two black guards appearing next to her. "I know you're having the Pendragon's reinvestigate the incident with the Golden Breeze. It's annoying enough that you're her daughter since she's from the Upper Nobility."

"What is your point?" Clarissa asked and glared at her for mentioning a sensitive topic.

"I think it's fitting she's been called a seductress in my home, seeing that you had seduced Luminous as well. Like mother, like daughter." Heather said with a sinister expression. "I'll definitely save him from what witch of a spell you placed on! You'll die just like how your pathetic mother did. Erased without a trace."

"Quit the dramatics already. If you wish to kill me then feel free to do so." She said with insistence, "The gunshot that was fired earlier was loud enough for everyone outside the palace to hear, even the royal guards. Even if you did toss my corpse away into a remote area, my fiancé will surely look everywhere until he sees the body himself." Clarissa then revealed a pen recorder in her right hand. "Of course, if that isn't enough, your screech will always be heard through this." She played the recorder as Heather turned pale. "Less not you forget that I'm a fully graduated Warrior in the Academy, dear Heather. Checkmate."

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