Chapter 6

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Right after lunch break was over, Clarissa, being true to word, trained her squad, torturously at that. Although most were physically strong, their magic abilities were lacking, and vice versa. Thus, her training regime was ruthless, so she truly pushed the men to the limit. Not uttering a single complaint. They knew better than to underestimate their new lieutenant after she displayed her power but were now scared of what methods she used upon reaching her current level. They will no doubt get more potent if she continues this type of training.

Her training regime comprised; Having to meditate on spikes for five hours in the early morning while concentrating their magic abilities as a shield, surrounding themselves with it to avoid getting poked. A thousand swings of sword training on full strength and force per thirty minutes without rest. Resistance training exercises with magical blasts until they don't move an inch from their spot upon each hit. And they were lastly sleeping on fire crystals directly throughout the night for a significant increase in their magical stamina.

Needless to say, the warriors were all traumatized by the training they were given in the next three days. Even though the activity was practically walking through hell, everyone felt the change in their levels with just one day of relentless training. Although their bodies ached, they could last longer than their spar with Clarissa on their first meeting.

Seeing the results of her efforts come to fruition, Clarissa was satisfied, knowing that her squad would do just fine when dealing with powerful monsters. Of course, she participated in the training, not only for demonstration but also for encouragement to push them from their limits.

On the day of checking each of their levels, Luminous's mind went blank upon seeing the results. Not only that, but the respect the squad had for Clarissa in their short time together gave them a new sight of seeing her in battle. They were even going as far as praising her to be their Lieutenant for the long term.

"So, are the results up to your standards, Sir?" Clarissa asked her Commander with a playful yet innocent smile on her face.

Rubbing his temples, he spoke. "I'm honestly speechless and impressed." Luminous looked at his rider. They were currently in his office when they met the deadline.

Not only that...

"My! You truly are a treasure, Clarissa! Your contribution to the ranks fills me with joy, knowing your ability to lead is satisfactory." Alexandra Pendragon was with them in the room, praising the young knight once more in front of her son.

"I'm a little concerned about your methods, though." Luminous told Clarissa, "Although it's very effective, are you sure there are no actual casualties upon training with them?" He asked,

"You needn't worry, Sir. I was demonstrating and doing the training alongside those men, guiding them throughout the process." Clarissa reassured him, "I may have been a bit harsh with the 'No Complaint' part, but being able to endure and resist is a major factor in increasing one's physical and magical prowess. It also helps them broaden their senses unconsciously to avoid getting ambushed."

"The training has proven effective in increasing their power levels." Alexandra said, looking back at her son with a smile. "I believe this could help some of our other warriors who are low on either. Is there team training to improve their performance in working together?"

"Yes, Madam. I plan to alternate two training sessions per week." Clarissa confirmed her.

Luminous just stared at Clarissa in astonishment, admitting to himself that she might have just surpassed him in some ways. He was now curious about what she would do regarding strategies on the battlefield.

'So much for wanting to start as a newly made warrior. You're more competent than you give yourself credit for, Clarissa.' Luminous thought in praise for the achievement of his rider, a bit ruthless, but an achievement, nonetheless.

The rest of the day went off without so much as a surprise. Clarissa trained with her squad under the watch of her Dragonborn and his mother, mainly for their curiosity. Of course, Luminous told her that his brother needed him in the hunt to eliminate the increasing number of monsters after the visit with Lord Drake, and they requested her to come along with her squad. That gave him another smack to the head, much to his mother's amusement and leaving the warriors dumbfounded at their commander just letting it happen.

Soon, night fell upon them as they retired for the day.

Clarissa visited her father in one of the guest rooms of the mansion, noticing that he was still up judging by the light illuminating the door. She smiled warmly before walking over and knocking lightly on the door.

"Dad, it's me. Can I come in?" She asked for his permission,

Opening the door, she was greeted by her father, who welcomed her into the room. Mr. Romana brews some honey tea before sitting next to his daughter.

"So, what brings my young warrior at this hour?" He asked,

Taking a sip of her tea, Clarissa turned to her father with a smile. "Nothing much. Just wanted to check on you about Little Solana's lessons, as well as see you, of course." She sighed, then said, "I just wanted to relax here for a bit before returning to the Knight's quarters."

"Young Solana is doing quite well in her studies. Though a bit energetic and some transformation on her part, however, she has improved despite having Dyslexia." Mr. Romana said pleased, "She's a bright child, like you, dear."

"It's good to hear that she's improving well." Clarissa said,

"I've heard that you officially became a lieutenant and are leading a squad these days. Have they given you some trouble?" He asked calmly, contrasting his daughter's smiling yet annoyed expression.

"Heh. Trouble doesn't even begin to describe what crap I have to put up with the unpleasant news that is given to me." Clarissa said through gritted teeth. Thus, she began ranting her frustrations at the last-minute announcement from her Commander and Dragonborn, as well as other things that happened in the last three days.

'Forget lady troubles; I'll cram myself to death! Thanks for nothing you dumb noble dragon!' She thought to herself while cursing her dragon,

In his office, Luminous suddenly sneezed, questioning what caused it, since his area is always clean and he wasn't close to being sick.

Her father chuckled. "Every day is a battle for survival, dear. It's better to face it than run away." He said,

"You're taking pleasure in my suffering, Father." Clarissa pouted at him. "Whatev', I'm just glad my hard work paid off. There's no doubt that I won't be slacking off at this rate, especially now I'm contributing my efforts to this place."

"It's good for them to acknowledge your efforts. However, you mustn't let your guard down regarding the nobility, Clarissa." Mr. Romana said as he looked down at his cup. "Although your merit is needed, it won't change the fact your life would be at risk, for they might resent you as a commoner. Don't let your emotions get the better of you to the point that you may get executed. I don't want to lose my daughter."

Placing her cup on the table, Clarissa hugged her father's side. "You won't lose me, Dad. I'll be careful not to offend the nobility, even if they piss me off a little."

Mr. Romana hummed, wrapping an arm around her shoulders, and embracing her.

"Go to bed now, my young warrior. Goodnight, Clarissa." He said, sending her off with a kiss on the forehead.

"Night to you too, Dad. Don't stay up late." Clarissa finished her tea before bidding her father goodnight and leaving his room, returning to the Knight's quarters.

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