Chapter 3

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It didn't take long for Clarissa and her father to pack their belongings and place them in Luminous's car with the aid of his driver. What took them a while to leave was the many people around their residence saying their farewells. Luminous and his driver patiently waited for the Romana father and daughter in the car, letting them handle the last-minute affairs with the people close to their home.

An unfamiliar feeling rose within Luminous as he gazed at Clarissa, smiling fondly at the young children and her friends. Her leaving would worry the people around them, knowing that they wouldn't be able to see her for who knows how long. Comparing her life to his, Luminous wasn't treated as such by his older siblings and the people around him during his stay at his father's estate growing up. The only people who did were his mother and younger sibling when he moved to his estate and became the Commander of the Pendragon Warriors. Such care from unrelated people was foreign to him.

After saying their farewells, they drove back towards the capital. It took them two hours to reach their destination and drive along the road towards the large estate of the Pendragon Family. Knight Guards greeted them, posted near the gate as they entered the estate. The view was pure nature, as many Dragonborn Warriors trained in aerial combat and target practice, few along with their riders. Hybrids trained with their dragon and spiritual power with the Knights and Paladins in swordsmanship. Some could also be seen sparring. But what stood out between all were the royal blue capes, the color that is said to have the most substantial power in all dragon species.

"I'm looking forward to meeting my superiors in the training grounds, along with the Dragon Riders." Clarissa said, gazing in admiration at all the pendragon warriors.

"Superiors? You mean subordinates." Luminous corrected her, much to Clarissa's confusion. He further explained, "My position as Commander is the highest in the ranks of Warriors. You being my rider gives an equal position to my rank."

"Wait, hold on!" Clarissa immediately went to protest until Luminous raised a hand to stop her from speaking further.

"Having that said, considering your new status in the ranks as a recruit, your new post will be Lieutenant. Dragon Riders are considered higher than their peers, who rule the aerial battle and mostly lead in the front lines. Paving the way for the warriors to declare victory in the field easily." Luminous said as he took out the gemstone he shared with her, different from their normal armor crystal.

Their armor is mainly made from their respective mana crystals and spiritual powers, allowing it to form and surround the user in an armor that protects their bodies from the heat and cold. This can only happen when the warrior has enough magic and can sustain it for a prolonged period while maintaining the rest of their power for combat.

"As my rider, we are equal in position." Luminous said before sighing, "However, given your hardworking nature, you would rather earn your keep, so giving you the position of Lieutenant is the best option for you. To both gain experience and learn to keep your subordinates in check."

"In other words, establishing my authority among the warrior class." Clarissa said, making Luminous nod. She took out her own gemstone and sighed. "Looks like they won't easily take a Commoner as a Lieutenant either, but that's just my luck."

"We both know it's nothing new, my little warrior." Her father said, "Being looked down upon has advantages when you know how to use them."

"Prove to them that you are worthy of that position." Luminous firmly said to his rider with a stern look, one that a commander would give to his subordinate.

Clarissa gave him a determined look. "Yes, Sir." She said with a nod.

Over the next two days, Clarissa and her father were introduced to the Pendragon Family living in the estate, more specifically, Luminous's mother and sibling.

"This my mother, Alexandra Pendragon, a former warrior, and my father's Third Wife." Luminous introduced the older woman to them. She had lavender hair flowing down her back, and piercing red eyes displayed the aura of a warrior.

"And this is Solana Pendragon, my younger sister." He said as the little girl shyly peeked behind her brother's leg, holding him tightly. They both have similar hair color, and her eyes are like their mother's. Luminous looked down at his sister; his eyes were gentle despite the stone face he usually displays.

"It's an honor to finally meet my son's rider." Alexandra said, greeting Clarissa with an aura of nobility. She then gave a gentle chuckle. "I must admit that I was quite surprised hearing Luminous accepting a rider, a woman, nonetheless. Though I'm happy to meet another fellow female warrior in the ranks." She said, taking the redhead's hands in hers. "May I ask for your name?"

"Oh, my name is Clarissa Romana, Madam. It's an honor to meet you as well." Clarissa said, a bit flustered at their proximity. "Truthfully, I'm a Commoner in the Warrior ranks, and I don't deserve to be here in the elites yet."

"Nonsense, whoever says that ranks are important to status, then they are completely wrong." Alexandra said with an unwavering look, "Many may look down upon you for your origins as a Commoner, but they should all be ashamed that a woman, such as yourself, is dignified and courageous enough to be a warrior. Even those in the upper nobility are becoming useless in these recent years." She then looked at her son and thought about what she said. "Although, not all of them, I suppose."

"Mother, is he the teacher?" Solana spoke while pointing a finger at Clarissa's father,

"Yes, Solana. He is your new teacher." Luminous said as he held her up, "And don't point with your fingers. It's rude."

Mr. Romana smiled gently at the two siblings while enjoying his daughter's dismay at her interaction with Alexandra. "It's nice to meet you, Solana." He greeted the young girl gently. "Be assured that our time won't be hard. Instead, we're going to play a game while learning."

The word 'play' immediately perked Solana's ears, suddenly changing her form into a little purple dragon in Luminous's arms. However, the expression in the little one's eyes glimmered with anticipation.

Mr. Romana chuckled, amused. "It would seem that I have my work cut out for in this age." He said as Solana jumped into his arms.

"Good luck, dad." Clarissa said as Alexandra happily went and dragged her away. "Madam is personally taking me for a tour around the estate. I'll see you in your office, Sir." She said helplessly to her commander, who was dumbfounded at his mother's sudden interest in his rider.

'Why do I feel like my mother wants to take Clarissa away from me as my rider?' Luminous asked himself in thought, feeling dejected by his own mother. Not to mention his sister happily jumping away from him.

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