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Long ago, two worlds lived on opposite sides of the world. The Human Realm were humans born with the spiritual power of the empire. The Dragon Realm, where magical dragon people reside in the deep, vast forest. For centuries, wars between the Human and Dragon Realm tremendous. Barren lands where nature was destroyed, and life could not strive. Fights shook the lands as each life was sacrificed to the bloodshed of the fallen warriors on both sides. War was endless, bringing nothing but endless slaughters.

It was until one day, that a new danger became a threat to both worlds. The Demon Realm. Rising from the lands in which once lay the corpses of their fallen comrades, now coming to attack them. Commanding the living corpses is the Demon King, born from the darkness and bloodshed of countless wars between the two realms. The demon corpses attack both races, terrorizing their people and feeding on fear, haunting their dreams until the victims succumb to the horror and their bodies are nothing left but dust.

Seeing the threats on both their races, the Kings of both realms joined in alliance, combining their forces to defeat the demon army. Thanks to their combined forces of power and strength, both humans and the dragons were able to defeat the Demon army and banish the Demon Realm from existence. Sealing the remains of the Demon King, the two Kings had hidden it away in faraway places from their lands.

Due to the alliance that not only stopped the war between the two realms but prevented the loss of many of their people, they decided to continue with the alliance after seeing the comradery between their races. Witnessing the friendships that were made during the war with the Demon Realm, became a sign of a growing bond between their people. Thus, marking a new era between the two realms becoming one. With one human and dragon aiding the other, the respect of understanding each culture allowed the race to harmonize over the years. More so than not only did the two races live together, but also bore hybrids that were created from the affections of the two races.

Even with the existence of hybrids, many discriminations, particularly for the humans of the nobility, see the young children of both races as a menace due to their power. Although their small faction held little influence, many lived in peace. For centuries, peace between the two realms has thrived in harmony. Having it hard to believe that their races were once at war, so much so that the existence of the Demon Realm became a dream memory to those who had experienced the war.

Lost, but certainly not forgotten.

"...And that is how our beloved world came to be. The Dragonia Empire we now walk upon is the very land our dear ancestors have started the alliance between Humans and the Dragons." The teacher said, after telling the history of their city empire's existence to his young students. "Any questions students?" He asked,

A young boy with silver hair with two horns above his head and a silver tail raised his hands.

"Yes, Virgil." The teacher called him,

"Will the Demon Realm back to kill us one day?" The boy asked out of curiosity, scaring his fellow classmates. His blue eyes looked at them innocently in confusion.

"A good question, Virgil. Up until this day, the seal that trapped the remains of the Demon King is still active and hidden away. There is no mention of the Demon Realm's return and it's better that way." He explained vaguely as he saw another raise their hand, "Yes, Gunter."

"Are we gonna go fight monsters if the demons come and attack us?" The young boy with green hair asked,

The teacher chuckled lightly. "No, Gunter. The fights are solely for our Knights, Paladins, and Dragon Riders. For they possess not only spiritual powers, but have the strength and magic to wield their weapons in combat. Dragon Riders are mostly humans who have made strong bonds with the dragon people. Even though there are hybrids like your other classmates, this very position varies in compatibility with the two persons involved, and can only be for the Humans and the Dragonborns. They always pair with equal genders."

"Can anyone be any of those three, teacher?" Another student asked as she raised her hand.

"Yes. However, positions like those are for the middle class and higher ranks in the empire." The teacher said to his student. "Although the Hybrids have much of a chance in being a Dragon Rider, there isn't one among the low class or commoners who are able to become them."

The little girl with red hair and bright teal eyes grinned after having her question answered. "Then I'll be the first!" She declared with determination, "I'll be all three of those when I grow up."

Her declaration surprised her teacher and classmates, while others laughed it off as a joke.

"A commoner like you, Clarissa, won't be able to make it that far." A little girl named Heather said with mockery.

"Besides, a girl shouldn't be a knight and it's tough for them." A little boy named Onyx said with doubt,

"Can you even lift a sword?" A young Hybrid named Sebastian asked in curiosity.

"Hmph. Wait and see. I'll work hard to reach that goal, and help defend the whole empire with my own power." Clarissa said, her choice remained unwavering from the doubts she had.

The teacher pushed up his glasses as he stared at the little girl in wonder. "If that's the case, my little warrior, I'd like to see how far you'll go." He quietly told himself in thought, curious yet proud to see his daughter determined to make her dream come true.

In the back of the class, a young dragonborn male with purple hair and golden eyes looked at Clarissa in curiosity due to her determined goal. Although he is of higher ranking than her and different in the lives they live, they both have a common goal.

To become Warriors that protect their homeland...

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