Chapter 7

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The week went by as the day of Lord Drake's arrival came. Not only was he present, but his two sons, Lucian, and Apollo, and his First and Second wives, Estelle and Dawn. Luminous and his family greeted them by the door, with Clarissa standing on the side, waiting for her orders to come.

"It's good to see you all doing well." Lord Drake said, carrying a strong aura of nobility as he walked towards his family. Everyone on the side who was present didn't dare look up.

"It's good to have you here as well, my Lord." Luminous exchanged pleasantries with his father as he looked at his stepmothers and brothers. He gave them a formal smile. "I'm pleased that everyone's doing fine these days."

"Tsk. You can stop the formalities now, little brother." Lucian, the first-born child, said as he wrapped an arm around his shoulder. "We're family, so no need to be tense around us."

Lucian Pendragon, the First-born son of the Pendragon House, serves alongside his father in political affairs and is a Captain in the Royal Knights. He has an easy-going personality with a bit of a sharp tongue and is quite ruthless in political rule.

"Indeed, Lumen. I understand it's for etiquette, but that is not needed when we're present." Apollo said as he approached his two brothers before looking at Solana. "Care for a hug, Sol." He said, kneeling and opening his arms towards her. The little girl happily ran into her brother's embrace.

Apollo Pendragon, the Second-born son of the Pendragon House, works in the Dragonia Archives and teaches as a Professor in the Magic course in the Academy. He is patient, kind, and protective of his family members, especially the youngest.

"Now, where is this Clarissa Romana girl I've been hearing about." Lucian said, releasing Luminous and turning left and right in search of the girl. He doesn't even know what she looks like.

"Please behave yourself, Lucian." Estelle scolded her son lightly, knowing her words had little effect on the playful young man she raised.

"There's no need for that, Estelle." Dawn said with a mused smile. "You know that's how he is."

Alexandra chuckled, "Every child is unique in their own way." She said, then answered the eldest's question. "Clarissa dear, come introduce yourself." She called after.

Clarissa was more or less reluctant to present herself before the whole Pendragon Family but nonetheless complied as she stepped forward. "Greetings, my Lords, and Ladies. I'm Clarissa Romana. It's an honor to meet your presence."

"So, you're the girl Alexandra has been enthusiastically writing to me about." Lord Drake said warmly, "It's good to see you in person finally. I wondered what type of girl Luminous had his eyes on to accept your comradeship willingly." He said pleased,

'I'm starting to regret it, but there's no backing out.' Clarissa thought to herself as she bowed in respect,

Suddenly, a shadow engulfs her body, making her look up to see Lucian's figure in front of her.

Clarissa flashed a smile at him. "Is there anything you need, young master?" She asked,

"Hmm? Are you sure this is your rider, Lumen? She's a shorty for a woman." Lucian said, insulting the two people involved, especially Luminous.

"I suggest you stop that before I give her my permission." Luminous said, glaring at his elder brother.

"What? I'm just saying, plus, she doesn't look strong enough actually to take a punch." He said playfully,

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