Chapter 19

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"Just a bit more! Keep pushing!" Lucien said, shooting more of his dragon fire before reverting to his human form along with the others. He then turned to his brother, "Luminous, go to your Rider! I'm not sure what it is I sensed but she shouldn't be alone in there with her friends. Go!" He ordered as Luminous charged in, killing his enemies with a few swings of his sword.

Golden eyes immediately searched for his fiancé's figure on the battlefield, but she was nowhere in sight. "She must've moved further with the others." He said in thought and charged in the direction of the abandoned building in front of them, noticing the warriors fighting the larger monsters.

"Clarissa, you better not die on me." Luminous said before letting out a battle roar and killing the enemies of his comrades while making his way toward the building. He wasn't sure what made him think of her being there, but the glow on his comradeship stone told him to head in its direction.

As the main army fought in the battlegrounds, the ones protecting the base camp led Apollo and his apprentices from the Archives to the direction of the fight. Their appearance was sudden, but just in helping to defeat the Demon King and prevent its Realm from rising in the future.

"Lord Apollo are you it's wise to march into the battlefield?" One of the warriors asked as he led them to the fight,

"I'll allow Lucien to reprimand me for this, but acting now while the Demon King is occupied would give us the upper hand in suppressing the Death magic he produces." Apollo said with assurance and confidence as he looked at the man, "I am no stranger to fights, despite working in the Archives. Battle readiness is a gift for mages who are willing to use their powers for good."

"Master, are you sure this is related to the Brager Family incident?" Virgil asked him,

"Indeed, Virgil. I had my father notify the Royal house and will no doubt act for using Dark magic." He said with a displeased tone. "Lady Aura was sacrificed for the Demon King and is in his dirty clutches. The fact that she was the strongest warrior in her time, made all the more reason for her to be the perfect pawn against her only child. The Brager Family is already doomed for the crime of reviving the Demon Realm."

"But why would they do this?" Another of his students asked,

"Out of Jealousy, Hatred, and Vengeance." Virgil answered for him and continued to explain what he learned for his friend once he saw her, "Apparently, Madam Brager and Lady Aura were sworn enemies. Lady Aura outshines Madame Brager in every way to the point of jealousy and envy. She wanted to be better than her, but she was too incompetent in her skills. They both fell in love with a man who was from a Middle-Class nobility, Orion Romana."

"However, Aura and Orion were childhood sweethearts and had been together since their academy days. It was then Madam Brager came across a forbidden book in the Archives, intending to sacrifice a life to gain more power. The Romana Family became extinct due to that sacrifice, with the only survivor, Orion Romana, lowering his status as a Commoner. Even so, Aura still followed him, angering Madam Brager." Apollo continued for his apprentice, "Learning that Aura had a child with the man she couldn't have, she not only hired her as a guard but used her as a sacrifice to the Demon King in her own home after she took over their family affairs. Yet little did she expect the child to grow up like her mother."

"So, Miss Clarissa is a noble by blood."

"The Bragers are truly despicable!"

"They deserve to disappear for committing the crimes on the innocents!"

"Which is why we must head to the battlegrounds quickly." Apollo said with urgency, "Not only can we prevent the Demon King's Realm from rising, but we must assist as much as we can for the warriors!"

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