Chapter 2

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"It's still hard to believe I've become all three in our Knight's course." Clarissa said to her new dragon partner. They were traveling in Luminous's car, heading towards her home to gather some of her things, for she is now officially part of the Pendragon Warriors. "What's more unbelievable is that 'The Great Luminous' is accompanying me to the lower parts of the city. Not sure how you can handle the stench, considering the capital is much cleaner than here." She said with a little tease.

Sitting next to her, Luminous had his arms crossed and sighed. "Rest assured; I'm used to the stench, and it isn't something I should complain about, given my line of work, however...Sounds to me, you detest the nobility much." He then remembers a particular student in their younger years who mocked her constantly. "Is Heather Brager still being a nuisance to you?" He asked, turning his head to face her.

Clarissa narrowed her eyes at the mention of the girl, making her sneer. "Don't get me started with her. I get that she's a noble lady from an influential she acts anything but a noble and looks down on anyone who's beneath her." She said but didn't stop the rant. "It doesn't help that her father is a Hybrid commoner placed in an arranged marriage. I'd be miserable if I were him. If anything, she's quite hypocritical about it."

Luminous hummed in agreement. "Heather is the sole heir to the Brager house, but her mother had spoiled her rotten to the point of not teaching her the basics of moral values. Her arrogant nature would one day doom her entire family if she were to take over." He said,

"And I'm grateful for having such a strict yet loving father raising me the way I am." Clarissa said with a proud smile before noticing their destination. "We can stop here, sir." She said to the driver as the vehicle was coming to a stop.

Getting out of the car, Luminous covered himself with a cloak, not wanting anyone to recognize and flaunt towards him. However, as he followed Clarissa towards the direction of her home, he noticed her social communication with the people around her. These people were living in small homes that had more children and adult men around, but they all wore happy smiles on their faces. No matter how little they have, they are content with the lives they've built. It made him envy the people who are so close to each other, have such happiness.

His own home was anything but happy.

"We're here." Clarissa announced their arrival, snapping Luminous out of his thoughts. "Welcome to my home." She said opening the door as she entered. "Dad, I'm home and got news!" Calling to her father, he walked towards them and greeted his daughter.

"My dear, it's good to see you again." Mr. Romana said hugging his precious girl. "I take that you're well. Have you passed the Knight's course? They did not give you any trouble, did they?" He asked in concern.

"Yep. I passed with flying colors. They didn't really give me a hard time, if anything it's more of a challenge." Clarissa said, guiding her dad to sit down. "Besides, I have someone you'd like to reunite with, Dad." She said as she gestured Luminous to come closer.

Taking off his hood, Luminous greeted his former teacher. "Mr. Romana, it's good to see that you're doing well." He said a bit hesitant, "I used to be classmates with your daughter when we were younger. I'm Luminous Pendragon."

"Luminous Pendragon..." Mr. Romana gasped in shock at the sight of his former student. He smiled seeing that the young man in front of him was living well. "It's good to see my top student doing well after all these years." He said and noticed a pouty look on his daughter's face. He smiled amused, gently patting her shoulder.

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