Heather didn't expect Clarissa would be this prepared. Back in their time at the Academy before choosing their courses, she would always find the opportunity to make Clarissa drop out of school or at the very least humiliate her. She thought that the Clarissa she once knew back then would be the same who would let things be. Having that brought her to the reality, Heather had forgotten that Clarissa was at the top of her class and a warrior at that.

It was clear to her that Clarissa who was a pushover, was but a thing of the past. Their situations had changed, especially now that Luminous and the Pendragon Family were backing her, thus making her untouchable. And even without them, she could still manage without their support.

Heather tried to rack her brain to think of something to get out of this mess, but her mind was blank. She was too arrogant and ambitious in getting the things she wanted, now causing her to be backed into a corner. However, she still remembers that even if Clarissa is engaged to Luminous, she is still a Commoner.

"Ha! Do you think you can scare me?" Heather asked signaling the two men in front of her. "Kill her and destroy her evidence."

"Do so and you'll get retribution from me for attempted murder on my fiancé, especially in these palace grounds, Heather Brager."

A deep voice was heard causing the two girls to look and see Luminous, accompanied by Virgil, Gunter and another face Clarissa hadn't seen for a while.

"Lady Heather, this has gone too far." Onyx Houde said with great annoyance.

"Oh, shut up, Onyx! You're always spoiling my fun since you've entered the Brager's Warrior ranks!" Heather said angrily at the sight of Onyx.

"Hey Onyx, sucks to be you, huh?" Clarissa greeted him casually,

"Tell me about it." He said, sounding exhausted,

Luminous approached Clarissa, checking to see has any injuries. "Did those men hurt you in any way?" He asked, placing a hand on her waist, much to the redhead's embarrassment.

 "Did those men hurt you in any way?" He asked, placing a hand on her waist, much to the redhead's embarrassment

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'I get that this is for show, but this is still too much!'

"Yes, I-I'm fine, Luminous. Not a scratch whatsoever." Clarissa said looking away with a flushed face as she shoved him away.

"I'm merely concerned, that's all." Luminous said, catching the sight of her blushing face, thinking that it was an adorable look.

"S-Sir Luminous! What a pleasant surprise." Heather said shifting her demeanor to a coquettish presence. "Me and Clarissa are discussing important matters that revolve only among us women."

"Right." Virgil said with sarcasm as he pushed his glasses up, "You mean the part where you plan to kill her without leaving a trace."

Heather's words got caught in her throat, knowing that Clarissa had the evidence in her hands and if she denied it, she'd simply play the recording.

"I suggest that you come with me for interrogation, Heather Brager." Luminous said in his commander demeanor. "It would seem that you know something about the death of Aura Romana. Since you're a part of the Brager Family, you should know these things."

"What do you mean?" Heather asked, stepping back as she was at her wit's end, "I do not know what the Golden Breeze's death has to do with me." She said,

"No. But it did have to do with your family, since my mom was executed inside your home estate." Clarissa pointed out, "Either you tell, or we'll have to force you to speak."

Heather huffed at her. "And what are you gonna do about it, you lowly Commoner?" She asked, "Beating me up won't do you any good and it would be a crime for you to hurt me, a future Upper-Class Noble."

"If you're planning on marrying an Upper Noble, marry Alfonso. You two seemed like a match made in heaven since you both love insulting Riz so much." Gunter suggested, thinking that they're meant to be with that type of personality.

"Agh! I'd rather marry Luminous than some garbage of a man like him!" Heather was angry and insulted for hearing that and continued to rant her displeasure as it was ignored. Everyone who were listening wished that they had earplugs at this moment.

Luminous called the guards to take her away, relaying the message, more like a threat, to the Brager Couple, leading Clarissa away from her friends for a talk alone.

"What did you find out with the Mckennas? Did they reveal something important?" Luminous asked as soon as they found a bench to sit on,

Clarissa sighed for the umpteenth time as she recalled her encounter with the Mckenna Family to her Dragonborn. Explaining what occurred and what they had to endure as they let things play out, especially the decisions of her so-called Grandfather.

"I just feel like it's too good to be true." She said picking up a purple Clematis Flower in her hands. "Even though they are my mom's birth family, why haven't they mentioned her Wind Spirit? They were all just eager for me to return there, even in their letters. I don't want to sound heartless, but they were indifferent in her passing." She plucked each petal of the flower, "I'm starting to hate the fact that related to those people. They loved their daughter so much yet treated her like this in the end."

Luminous could hear the confusion and sadness in her tone as she expressed her thoughts on the matter. He too believed that it was too good to be true but felt that there was much more to it. After all, their time alone was short, even with the Queen present as a blood relative of the family.

"It's best to leave these things aside for now. We can discuss it tomorrow." Luminous said as she looked at him,

"Oh right, I almost forgot. Did His Majesty announce anything while I was away?" Clarissa asked,

Luminous nodded but had a grim look in his eyes. "The King made his announcement, and it has been confirmed that signs of the Demon Realm are rising to the surface." He said looking at his Rider. "The Revival of the Demon King is soon. His Majesty requested many of the houses to participate in eliminating all the monsters."

"Then that request means..." Clarissa trailed off at the realization,

"We are fighting another Demon War soon."

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