Chapter 14 - Cameron [1]

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"I looked like the one who tried to kill you!"

"Yes. But cuter."

- Kim Rok Soo & Cale Henituse

B - narration in first person

I - narration from the memories of an omniscient perspective

N - Narration from the outsider's perspective



The book floating gently closed and all power felt from it was diminished to nothing as the book gently land on top of the sleeping Cale.

"Shall we take a quick break?" The same girl from the call was heard. Her timidness gone and was replaced with an unusual tiredness. The twins stood up from the bed, now wide awake, Cale immediately went to check the children and let out a small sigh of relief when seeing them playing with Carlos who was now cradling the kids in his lap as they gave him playful taps.

"Human! Your brother is amazing!"

"He's amazing-nya!"

"He is. Isn't he?"

"Aweeee Kiki!"

"Ew! Ew! Get away!" Cale immediately scurry off the bed when Carlos attempts to pounce on him with a hug. His hand instinctly carrying On and Hong as he ran. "Go disturb Cookie or something!"

The nickname rings no bell to anyone's head, and as Lee Soo Hyuk was about to make a comment about Cale's adorable naming sense a reaction was heard.

"I am literally a dimension away from you two! Why am I involved in this conversation when Basen and Lily are literally right there in front of you!" The young man who just stood up from the couch he was previously sleeping on grumbled. "In the presence of Lily, I am not the youngest!"

"But Lily is inevitably the cutest since she's the only girl in the sibling tree Cookie!" The now oldest Son of the Duke was stuck clinging to the only sister they have. "Isn't that right Lily?"

The brunette nodded rapidly, a bit shy at the sudden closeness of her newly known brother. Lily admits, the appearance of an older version of her Orabuni is something she didn't welcome at first. But upon seeing how this older brother had to face a lot of things at such a young age and the fact that the Orabuni she so much admires shows his vulnerable side towards this older brother made Lily looked up to Carlos.

She wished to grow up to be as dependable as him. "Cookie Orabuni is cute. Very cute!"

"Right?" The red headed twins simultaneously asked one with a toothy grin while the other in his usual frown.

"I looked like the one who tried to kill you!"

"Yes. But cuter." Lee Soo Hyuk could only laugh at the appalled face Kim Rok Soo has as he stare at Cale from across the orb.

"I mean Basen is cuter." The black-haired man tried to argue as he eases the reddening of his face.

"Eh? M-Me? I-I- "

"I mean you are the cutest though Basen."

Everyone freezes in their spot. "When you were young. You have this shy attitude, and you would usually hide in Mother's back. You would grip her skirt as tight as you can but at the same time you would peek at us and would look so cute with your puffy cheeks."

"Right! I knew you would get it!" Carlos grinned as he grabbed the person who just spoke as he ruffled his red literally blazing hair. "You are absolutely right! But you're cute in your own way too. Cameron."

The man smiled adorably, his grin less playful than Carlos and purer than his other siblings.

"Gorsh Hyung... You're making me blush!"

The sudden appearance of a young man inside the room that no one noticed or even felt now finally sink in as everyone rose from their seat in surprise. Some grab their swords in assurance while the others point at the one who just arrived with their eyes wide in surprise.

Noticing the tense atmosphere, Cale glanced at the newly arrived man and the realization hits him. "Weren't you with Cookie just now?"

The man, looking exactly like Carlos but younger, with short curly hair that is literally on fire, with blazing orange hues. He wears lighter clothing than both his brothers and a similarity in Jour's cheerful smile was seen painted on his face.

"Cookie is sleeping so I don't want to disturb him." The man replied with a sheepish grin.

"I am literally your twin brother and yet you first visit those two the instant we woke up?!"

"Like Cale Hyung said I was with you the entire time Cookie!" The man immediately disappeared from previously clinging onto Cale's arms and was now seen on the other side of the orb placating the younger Henituse of another dimension. "Hyung is sorry Cookie!"

"You should be."

Lee Soo Hyuk exchanged looks with Alberu, then to Choi Han, then to Eruhaben, and lastly Beacrox before letting out a whistle. "Damn! Three of you is not enough huh..."

"Is there anymore Cale bound to show up? A heads up would be nice!" The golden dragon grumbled in annoyance as he glanced at the Cale he is familiar of.

"I mean, don't look at me. I don't know shit." Was the only thing their commander could reply.

"Look at me. I know shit!" Everyone turned to the fiery haired young man who was now back to the room, once again clinging but this time to the oldest Henituse. Carlos.

"I know most shit! Right Allouette?" Everyone turned their gaze to the book who was a bit quiet at first before letting out a squeaky 'yes'. Cale turned to glare at the man who was now playing the handshake game with Lily and Hong.

"How come you are allowed to waltz around anywhere?"

"That's because I was given no particular task other than house-sitting by Carlos hyung." The red-haired man smiled. "The house was a bit lonely without you three, but the kids were keeping me busy. Not much happened in court but the emperors did ask on how you guys were holding up."

"And what did you say?" Carlos whose usual friendly appearance changed at the word 'court' asked.


"Ha?" Rok Soo was the only one who gave a reply because of the confusion.

"I said nothing. Serenity and Allouette did all the talking."

"...Is this implying what I think it's implying... Allouette?" The younger twin of the oldest Henituse turned to the book.

"Yep." However, it was the young man who replied. "Whatever mess this is right now. Allouette and your children are involved."

As the man turned, his eyes met the confused and surprised look of his father's face.

"Oh!" He exclaimed in realization. "That was a bit rude of me."

"Hello! My name is Cameron Henituse. I am the third oldest Henituse and the twin brother of Ruki. I'm the one who knows everything. Nice to meet you all!"


Everyone turned to look at the man who sighed loudly. Everyone looked at him with pity. Ron on the other hand called for another servant from outside the room.

"Prepare some herbal tea. The duke might faint from shock." 

Cale Henituse: The Seven Sages (An Origin Series)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora