Extra Chapter [2]

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B - narration in first person

I - narration from the memories of an omniscient perspective

N - narration from the outsider's perspective


Beacrox's Normal Day

Like any day, Beacrox eyes opened when the sun was still asleep. It was around 3am, as he ought to do, Beacrox attempts to sit from the comfort of his bed but found himself held back by the weight on his left arm and waist.

"Ha..." The teenager let out a loud sigh.

On his arm, Carlos wrapped his entire body like a snake, blanket and pillow kicked away as his messy short hair sprawled over the white sheets of his older brother. On his right, with arms gently rest atop his abdomen was the younger twin wrapped tightly in blankets as he snuggled tightly on his older brother's hip, shoulder length hair flowing like river stream and soft snored can be heard. Beacrox could only do nothing but tugged the blanket on Cale's waist higher with his free hand.

"Hoho... There they are." The teen looked towards the door only to be greeted by his father benignly smiling at the sight that greeted him. His son staring at him dead in his soul opened his mouth then.

"You know they were here. Now get them off me father."

All of a sudden, the Count's head popped in the door frame with a sheepish smile. "It was me. I pulled an all-nighter today, so I throw the bone to your room." The two adults didn't say anything and just went their own merry way leaving the teen gaping at them as they left him with his two siblings.


With a lot of effort, Beacrox was now in his bathroom brushing his teeth, his neck constantly stretched to check the twins whose still asleep in his bed. As he was about to finish, the gap in his door widens and a half-asleep Carlos walked in. The two looked at each other for a while before Beacrox walked out of the door but not without patting the kid in the headfirst.

The kitchen B is very quiet, and the teen basked in that short amount of silence. Yes. Beacrox currently alone in the kitchen sipped the coffee in his mug in content. The silver lead covering five sets of breakfast glimmered from the rays the window beside him shone.

The silence that he was contented of immediately was thrown out the very warm window that comforted him the instant the door burst open and an energetic Carlos dragging his father walked in.

"Good morning Hyung!" The twelve years old kid beamed his hand tugging on his father's arms.

"Young master, breakfast will be delivered in the dining hall." Beacrox placed the mug of coffee in the kitchen sink making a mental reminder to clean it up after he's deal with his younger brother. "Go back to the dining hall, I'll send the food there. And please stop dragging the count around."

At the mention of his title, Deruth glance at the teen and sigh. Giving him a pleading look.

"Kiki is still asleep." Carlos replied disregarding his father and brother. "And daddy pulled an all-nighter, so he needs coffee and a lot of them morning energy."

"Yes. Which is why you should wait in the dining hall." With a loud "okay!" the young child once again started dragging his father towards their dining table with Beacrox following closely with a trolley of breakfast for three in hand. The dining room was already set when they arrived and the younger twin was already seated with cookies in hand, absentmindedly nibbling as he patiently waits while Ron was behind him if ever, he needs anything.

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