Chapter 4 - Broken Record (4)

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"I don't want to look away just because I don't like looking at it."

- Cale Henituse

"Starting now." The man who claimed himself as Carlos Henituse eyed the people in the room, all smiles he gave to Cale and the children from earlier wiped off his face and is replaced with nothing but flatness. One they are too familiar with from their Young Master. "All information that came from me, Cale, Roksu, and Cameron will create many changes."

"As you know. Whatever the fuck is going on is already confusing enough as it is. And even I am not aware of some decisions made that lead us to where we are now." The man stood right by Cale's side as if he belongs there. Even Cale himself couldn't help but feel confused at how easily he conformed to the strange man, to his knowledge they only met and talked once. But the sense of familiarity somehow seemed to seep through every fiber of his being.

He liked it.

He liked the comfort the man brings him as if telling him that he's safe, as if he belonged right by his side. He didn't sense this during the war not even during the time they talked. Was it the urgency to return to those around him that he disregards the man and only asked for the needed information. Now that he is in no rush, he was given quite a lot of time to bask in the man's presence that gives him nothing but soothing relaxation.

"I'll have to explain many things in order for us to get to this point. And it is quite taxing to do this." Carlos grimaced putting to thought how he might damage his throat with all this explanation. "I'll say it short. Cale and are supposed to have six thousand years' worth of memories. I only regained mine when the White Cu- Star ceased to exist."

"Probably, he was the trigger." The man added with a sigh. "My memory came back but unfortunately..."

His eyes trailed towards the other redhead seated by his side cradling a black dragon and two cats.

"... Not to all of us."

Hans walked into the room with another chair which he dropped right behind the standing redhead.

"The young master should take a seat." He indulged earning a chuckle from the man as he sat right by his twin's side.

"Let's start with something simple first. Maybe... the procedures?"

Carlos' eyes fell on the tea a familiar old butler placed right in front of him. He smiled, giving the man a gratified look before taking his time to feel the warmth of the tea in his hands, the scent that lingers in his nose as he put the cup closer to his lips, sipping with his eyes close not minding the impatience the people around him are giving off.


As he placed the teacup back in the saucer did he open his eyes to glance at the people in the room with a playful smirk.

"We already know this as a fact but, this isn't the only world out here. If you look at Roksu now, he was you'll realize that there are a lot more world out there we hold no knowledge of—well you guys not us."

His gaze traveled around the room but halt upon seeing the golden dragon, a familiar yet different face and it made the redhead laugh.

"Clever kids." He mumbled loud enough for the whole room to hear. "Just like there are many worlds out there, there are many gods too. One that oversees all worlds."

"However there is only one being that makes these worlds. He makes them and then leaves them and makes another one.

In an attempt to make those abandoned worlds livable a set of beings exist. They are not gods they are not humans. But they exist to make the worlds a livable place. "

Cale Henituse: The Seven Sages (An Origin Series)Where stories live. Discover now