Chapter 11 - Welcome to the Henituse County (1)

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"Are you done barking? Is it my turn now?"

- Cale Henituse
B- narration in first person

I - narration from the memories of an omniscient perspective
N - narration from the outsider's perspective


The funeral proceeded without any problems. A lot of people came, some from my father's side, a few from my mom's. And some disguised stranger that seemed very close to my dad.

The county chapel was not as packed as we have thought, and some just came here out of formality. I'm not surprised about that.

My father is busy talking to them leaving me and Cale with Ron.

Ever since the talk we have, me and Cale became even more inseparable. I would be lying if I say that my overprotectiveness did not increase nor did my obsession with Cale's safety. 

But it doesn't matter anyway. I mean, I'm not as half insane as my father is. 

Me and Cale are now eight years old. And just like any eight years old, we're already showing signs of awareness and growth. Mentally, physically, and emotionally. And since physical appearance is involved, me and Cale are already showing signs of resemblance to Mom. Wavy red hair, and a small face along with the small nose and defined small lips mom has we look a lot like her. We looked a lot like each other too. The only difference in our appearance is that Cale's hair is longer and straighter. Just like dad, me and Cale at age eight are already taller than most kids our age. Maybe because the Henituse bloodline is known to be descendants of knights we have long arms and legs and wide shoulders. I did inherit that trait. But seeing as Cale seemed to be frail, he was more slender compared to me. 

Making him look a bit androgynous. 

He's gonna make girls and boys cry. My brother is so pretty after all. 

It doesn't make sense why I'm describing what Cale and I look like. It will when you're in my shoes receiving the disdaining look of our relatives who seems to have one goal in mind. 

Introducing their daughters to my father as a replacement for mom. 

And two kids that looked exactly like the Count's dead wife that would haunt them of the love the Count had for his wife is not good news. Making us a thorn they wanted to pluck. 

But it's fine, they can look... since it's still free. 

One day I'm gonna charge these bastards 5 gold bars at a glance. 

Deruth can only shake his head at his son's audacity. But it made sense though. His twins are a total eye candy.  More than that, he's amazed of how Carlos was able to identify the malice they receive by just the situation. 

"Young masters, you can now walk around if you want." Ron said in a whisper as he bent down to fix the twin's collar. 

"We can walk around however we want. This is our house after all." Cale retorted with a matter-of-fact tone earning a giggle from Carlos and a chuckle from their butler. 

"If someone says something you don't like tell me okay?" Added the butler, a hint of mischievousness trailing at the end of his statement. 

"Oh, I definitely will!" Carlos grinned like a cat whereas Cale only replied with a subtle nod. 

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