Chapter 12- Welcome to the Henituse County (2)

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"That method only worked because I looked good! Try harder Hyung!"

- Cale Henituse

B- narration in first person

I - narration from the memories of an omniscient perspective

N - narration from the outsider's perspective


A noble's way of survival involves a lot of things. Swordsmanship for those who engaged in outside danger, family prowess, money, military prowess, and political prowess.

These are the obvious line of defense that can make a noble untouchable. And I admit that even though the Henituse is just a county, we have all of these prowess if not more.

However there is one big survival weapon every noble holds that can make all of these powers fall behind.

The power to sway a crowd.

Methods can differ from suppression to persuasion.

However, to a powerless kid like us there is there is a great weapon we use to make everything go our way.


"Sniffle Sniff"

"Mother! Hic! Mother I miss you so much!"

Yep. That's right. You cry.

Cale my fucking amazing brother born with innate talent to put everyone either on edge or in a difficult spot threw himself in front of mother's coffin and started sobbing his heart out leaving my father to stop himself from cringing so hard he has to look away and me looking at nowhere but my feet to conceal my laughing face from the crowd on entertained adults.

The shaking of my shoulder did add effect to whatever the hell is my brother cooking here though, it made me look like I was also stopping myself from wailing.

I mean, I'm the older brother so, I should be the stronger one bullshit like that.

"Come back! Don't go! Or father will have to get himself another wife! What would become of us!" My brother wailed loudly the tears dropping continuously from his eyes as he sniffles. "Don't go..."

Slowly he wiped the tears off of his eyes and gently looked up, his faced glazed of tears as sadness filled his eyes. Making himself look more pitiful and pathetic and with his pretty face, it made his whatever the fuck he's doing more believable earning him whispers of pity from the crowd.

The adults turned their gaze from the book to the Cintamani upon hearing a loud applause to see Lee Soo Hyuk clapping his hands with matching standing ovation, and Choi Jung Soo grabbing him to return to his seat.

"And this year's Oscar award goes to- stop pulling!"

"Behave would you?!"

"I'm just cheering on our Dongsaeng! Isn't he talented? He could be a star if he's here."

"He already is Hyung! Sit down already!"

"Alright! Alright!"

"What's an Oscar?" Everyone was taken aback when Raon and On's face stopped veeery closely to the Cintamani that seems to not faze the actor.

"It's an award to those who are known to be a great and talented person."

"Our human is very talented!" The kids chimed.

Cale Henituse: The Seven Sages (An Origin Series)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant