"Murasakibara's defensive range covers everything inside the three-point line. When you add the other four to that..." Riko explained the range of Yosen's center, with the addition of their other players.

"There's no opening." Fukuda jumped in.

"How are we supposed to score like this?" Furihata asked in hesitance.

"With Murasakibara holding his position in the middle, the other four are free to move beyond his range and pressure the outside," Riko stated.

Izuki leaned in forward to speak, "Couldn't we still manage a three?"

"A single shot won't make any difference," Hyuga answered his friend's question.

"To win, we have to score from the inside," Kyoshi stated seriously.

"Kyoshi-san's right. We won't be able to make much progress if we shoot from the outside. They'll just get their momentum back when they shoot on the inside. We need to beat them at their own game." You gave a curt nod to the center's argument.

"Excuse me..."

Everyone turned to Kuroko, "Hm? Tetsu-kun? Something you'd like to say?" You asked, turning to face the blue-haired male.

He gave a nod before revealing what he wanted to say to the rest of the group, "What?" Everyone except you looked at the phantom man in surprise.


It was the second quarter, and Izuki had the ball this time. Immediately when they started the game, all Yosen players, excluding Murasakibara put pressure on Seirin.

You narrowed your eyes at the play, 'I was right after all. They're trying to finish us off.'

Izuki passed to Kyoshi who was being marked by the Yosen center, Murasakibara.

Kyoshi tried to do a post-play to try to score, "What? You think you can get around me like that?" Murasakibara asked, going to stop Kyoshi.

"No, of course, I don't," Kyoshi replied before moving the ball with his hands to score around the tall player.

Kagami was there to dunk the ball, but Murasakibara was fast enough to block the shot, 'Atsu-kun's reflexes are still top-notch...' you thought with a worried look but soon smiled.

'But, we don't give up that easily.'

"Don't say it's over yet!" Kagami shouted before using his other hand to pass the ball to Kuroko.

(You can skip if you'd like!)

A small flashback of Kuroko asking his team to let him shoot. Of course, they were a little nervous to let him do it. But you told them that he's been getting special training.

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