Let's Get Started

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You, the team and Riko were seen in the gym to talk about the training for summer vacation.

"This year, at the beginning and end of summer vacation, we'll be going to the beach and the mountains!" Riko smiled, the players well...weren't so happy.

"They chose both!"

"The qualifiers for the Winter Cup start right after summer vacation ends! We must use this vacation as effectively as possible. Let's give it everything we have! Dismissed!" Hyuga told the team before dismissing them.

"Good work!"

"Sorry, me and (Y/N)-chan are gonna go talk to the teachers about our training camps," Riko told Hyuga, she and you going to talk to the teachers.

"Okay," Hyuga replied, seeing the two women walk away.

Kagami, holding the ball felt something hit the back of his leg and saw Kuroko push the scoreboard, "Sorry."

"That hurt. Look where you're walking!" Kagami scolded him.

"Kagami, please don't rager around like that," Kuroko told Kagami back.

"It's his fault for hanging around my feet!" Kagami retorted, gesturing to Number 2 with his foot as the dog barked at Kagami, "Hey, get away from me!" Kagami recoiled away from the animal.

"We'll be able to take Number 2 with us on our trips. The guesthouse will allow it." Kuroko informed.

"Don't bring him! He's annoying!" Kagami yelled.

"Kagami, you're so mean. No wonder you and (Y/N)-san fight a lot. Even if you're best friends." Kuroko told Kagami while the dog still kept close to the redhead.

Number 2 was seen hanging around Kagami, "Get away from me!"

Tsuchida, Koganei and Kiyoshi looked okay at the scene, "They've started talking to each other again, but they seem to be arguing a lot more than Kagami and (Y/N) would." Koganei pointed out.

"Are they okay?" Tsuchida asked in worry.

Kiyoshi walked forward, "They're fine."

"But they didn't pass to each other during practice today," Koganei added.

"It's just for now. They'll pass again in the winter." Kiyoshi assured, looking at the two arguing as usual.

"One more time, everyone! Gather 'round!" Hyuga yelled to the group.

Hearing Hyuga do a second assembly made the group a little worried. Number 2 was seen beside Hyuga, wagging his tail and looking up at the captain.

"We're currently facing grave danger. In order to make two trips this year, we chose cheap lodgings. We'll have to make our food, which is where our problem lies." Hyuga stated.

"Coach will be cooking for us!"

"What? Is that bad?" Furihata asked.

Hyuga hysterically pointed at him as it he said something wrong, "Of course it's bad! At the Touou game..."

A flashback of the Touou game during their intermission to the second half. They showed Riko's honey-soaked lemons. Though, she didn't cut them for them to be eaten...

"You saw her hone-soaked lemons!" Hyuga yelled.

Kiyoshi held his chin, "So...That's not cooking anymore."

You mean it's all inedible?!"

"Why don't we just cook for ourselves?" Fukuda suggested.

"I wish we could, but..." Hyuga started as Izuki finished the explanation, "Practice is so brutal, no one can move at night." Mitobe was seen shaking, clutching his shirt in fear.

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