Chapter 28

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At around 8pm we arrive at Samantha's house. Her mom and dad are both sitting on the couch, watching a movie when we walk in. Her mother is really excited to ask questions but Sam just tells her she'll tell her everything tomorrow and then drags me upstairs.

When we're both in her room I hear her lock the door, making me turn around to look at her. "Sam, what-" I'm cut off by her lips. I instantly close my eyes and kiss her back. She slowly pushes me back on the bed and then gets on top of me. "You okay?" I ask, nervously chuckling but she just hums before leaning down to kiss me again. "More than okay." Samantha mumbles against my lips. I smile at that and then spin us around, so I'm on top now.

I lean down to kiss her again, and again and again. But then I feel her hands move up to my shirt. "You're wearing too much clothes." Sam says as she pulls back from me, playing with the fabric of my shirt. I chuckle softly and sit down on her stomach before opening the buttons of my shirt and then taking it off. She bites her lip at me but then puts her hands on the belt of my pants. "Stil too much."  Sam adds, which makes my eyes widen.

"Y-You sure?" I ask nervously and she nods at me before eagerly opening my belt and my pants. My heart starts to pound a little quicker at that. Samantha slowly pulls my pants down and I step out of them. She then throws them on the floor before placing her hands on my thighs and squeezing them. I can't help but let a small moan slip out. I quickly cover my mouth at that.

"You're so hot." She groans while wrapping her arms around my back and pulling me down to her again. We make out for another few minutes and god, I'm so horny! But when she suddenly brings her hands up to the clasp of my bra, I pull away. "Don't you think we should stop?" I ask nervous, sitting down on her stomach. On that she sits up, which makes me fall down on her lap. I wrap my legs around her lower back.

But when Samantha shakes her head my eyes widen. "I think I'm ready." She tells me, making my heart skip a beat. "Are you sure?" I ask softly and she nods with a shy smile. I smile while bringing my hand up to her face, brushing my thumb over her lower lip. "Okay, but before I take off any more clothes, you need to strip." I tell her and she chuckles at that. Samantha gently pushes me on my back at that befriended getting up from the bed. I watch her closely as she slowly takes off her dress, leaving her in her laced underwear and bra. I gulp at that sight.

"You" I breathe out and she grins at me while slowly walking back to me and straddling my lap. "I'll probably faint once I see you naked." I mumble before spinning us around, so I'm on top now.  Samantha leans her head back at that, laughing loudly. I just stare down at her with a big smile. "I love you." I tell her softly and her smile fades at that and she stares up at me with big eyes. She doesn't say anything for a while, only making my heart pound like crazy. "I love you too." She suddenly says and I sigh at that in relief.

I can't believe she loves me too. She loves me!

Right after Samantha leans up and presses her lips against mine. I can't help but sigh against her lips as I kiss her back, passionately. The next thing I know is her bringing her hands up my back and opening my bra. My eyes widen at that but she only grins at me. "You're beautiful." She whispers softly and I smile at her before taking my bra off and throwing it on the floor. "And so hot!" She adds with a groan, making me chuckle.

But then I sense some nervousness and worry in her eyes. I lean down and give her a soft kiss. "Look- if this is too much, we don't have to do anything." I tell her softer but she shakes her head immediately. "Okay. Why don't we start slow then? You're in charge, okay?" I say with a small smile and she nods, returning the smile.

But when I feel her slowly dragging her right hand down my stomach and between my legs it's over for me. Is this really happening? "Oh wow." I breathe out while burying my face into her neck. She starts to rub my center and I start to kiss and bite her neck to try to calm myself down. But it's obviously not working. Just after a few seconds I can't hold my moans in anymore. By now I probably left a few hickeys on her neck. Before we tried to never leave some but since we're official now and public I can do it.

"Is this okay?" I hear Sam ask softly but I just groan at that. "Shut up, you know it is!" I whine, which makes her chuckle. But then she suddenly presses her fingers slightly more against me. I arch my back and let out a moan at that. "Oh my god." I breathe out deeply, holding onto the mattress tightly. But then she suddenly pulls away, which makes me groan. "Oh be patient." Samantha chuckles before bringing her hands on top of my underwear. "We're just getting started."

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