Florence Dodgson

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- Their makeup look includes very harsh contour and some pretty bright colors. This directly contrasts her old goth look, but that's mainly because they hate who they used to be and want everything to get away from themselves and their actions. They still keep their eyeliner style though.

- They love accessories and piercings, and sometimes even wear fake pointed ears that they got on Amazon.

- They actually partially enabled Pluto's alcoholism due to buying and constantly having alcohol around them in their house, and consistently offering Pluto it when they were stressed, even before Pluto turned 21.

- The music that plays over the speakers at the cafe when the animatronics aren't performing is mostly a playlist that Pluto and florence made together, though other employees are allowed to add songs to the queue if they wish. Florence has numerous artists, genres, and songs that they hate that they banned from being played over the speakers at the cafe.

- Florence is extremely crabby in the mornings since they have insomnia and struggle sleeping, and don't like how early they have to get up.

- One of the reasons Florence made her glasses tinted was because under the tint, her eyes looked like they were the same color.

- They actually LOVE horror movies, especially tragic, symbolic ones. Pluto hated them though, so Florence stopped watching them.

- Any time Pluto told them any information about themselves, they told Green Caterpillar so he could store it on her file. This information ranged from basic information you'd see on a birth certificate, to random fun facts, to secrets Pluto had confined in them about.

- They are actually allergic to most pets, which was one of the reasons they based the Wonderheart animatronics on bunnies, cats, a dog, etc. Pluto would always tell them they wanted to get those kinds of pets, but they physically couldn't because of Florence's allergies.

- Florence has severe sensory issues to textures and sounds which is why she wears her gloves all the time.

- They have ADHD and take medication for it.

- She loves to sing, and absolutely kills it on singing Disney villain songs, specifically Poor Unfortunate Souls from The Little Mermaid.

- She once overworked himself to the point where he missed the time to switch off shift, and Pluto found them passed out on the stage when he came for his own shift.

- Florence DOES NOT like snow. 

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