Post-Possession Vanny/Valerie Miller

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(Requested by Bunni_08)

- Vanny's appearance looks way sweeter and cutesy, and is supposed to feel out of place in comparison to how Valerie actually is. Valerie literally hates the look of Vanny, but still tried to play into the personality as a way to manipulate Pat and Steve.

- Valerie and Anna were in contact with each other even after Matthew and Anna divorced, and while they weren't friends, they still got along for Dylan and Bryan's sake. Valerie still didn't like Anna because, like Marcus, she would get stuck babysitting her kids because Anna would be busy.

- Anna never respected Valerie, and would constantly judge and criticize how Valerie raised Dylan. Anna was one of the reasons Valerie was so cared of fucking up once Matthew died.

- After Matthew died, Valerie would come home late a lot, and would have to convince Anna to let Dylan have sleepovers with Bryan so she could keep going to work to make money for Dylan. This caused her to have constant breakdowns every night she came home.

- Valerie doesn't drink, and hates the taste of alcohol or wine.

- Valerie had an allergy to food dye.

- When Anna decided to make Amiri hypnotize Bryan, Anna suddenly cut contact from Valerie, and refused to help her with Dylan at all due to wanting nothing to do with Matthew.

- Valerie accidentally opens up to Nightmare. Oftentimes, she's talking about Dylan without even realizing.

- Classical music listener.

- She's claustrophobic. Vanny was actually moved to the cell in the basement after she got captured the second time because Bryan witnessed her have a panic attack from being in the small space again. 

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