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- Lesbian + nonbinary

- They love wearing pink and white fuzzy striped arm warmers, and baggy legwarmers.

- They don't like tight clothing and prefer baggy clothing.

- They pierced their own ears themselves when they were young, but let it heal over once they turned 16. Now they use fake magnetic pirecings and earrings.

- They're an Ever After High fan. Their favorite characters are Apple and Rosabelle.

- They collect Kandi bracelets.

- They love dangly earrings.

- They cut and dyed their hair themselves.

- They have like a hundred plushies on their bed, and they're all elephants for some reason.

- They twist their wrists when they're nervous or stressed

- Their love language is acts of service

- They have a pet turtle named Jam

- They hate spicy food, and Zero once tricked them by giving them a box of Mike + Ike's, only for half the box actually being Hot Tamales. Sova now refuses to accept any food from Zero. 

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