Bryan Divil

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- Bryan has OCD and cPTSD.

- Bryan's special interest is Pokémon and Sailor Moon and if they let themself they would talk for HOURS.

- Bryan hates to admit it but he's incredibly jealous of Dylan, especially of the fact that Dylan got Matthew's ring, and not him. This went so far to the point Bryan was thinking of stealing it somehow when he got Matthew's body, but decided to back out of that idea since he realized that it would be difficult, and also that if he did somehow, Dylan would never forgive him

- Bryan did sign Gregory up for therapy at one point, but before the first meeting, he made it extremely clear that Gregory could end the session if he wants to, and can tell Bryan if he wants a new counselor, and that Gregory could even ask for Bryan to be in the room if he wanted to. He just wanted Gregory to feel comfortable going to therapy and not feel like Bryan is forcing him, and Bryan will also make sure Gregory knows and remembers when sessions are so Gregory never feels like the session is out of nowhere and feel like he doesn't have a choice to go or not

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