Mistletoe Duo [Pat + Stevie]

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- Pat is autistic and Stevie has AuDHD. Pat was brought up being constantly told and strictly taught how to mask, and she has never really actually been comfortable not masking around someone until Stevie and the Glamrocks. Stevie is just happy to see her happy and will stim with her a lot and will mimic her

- Pat is incredibly patient with Stevie and kids in general due to growing up essentially raising her baby sister [canon], and sometimes even sees a bit of her sister in Stevie.

- Pat hates giving actual punishments to Stevie even after they do something bad, since Pat was brought up in an abusive home and unconsciously tries to steer away from real punishments like taking stuff away from Stevie or hurting them. Instead Pat either would talk to them and help explain what they did wrong or would have Stevie help them with something like cleaning to get them to self reflect while also helping her with something. Even then, while Pat does not like punishments for Stevie or the animatronics, she still does stuff that she thinks is "the best for them", as she was also taught to be manipulative and backstabbing from a young age if it meant it would help those she cared about.

- Stevie was the one who helped Pat become more secure with her gender identity and even inspired her to grow her hair out and try makeup more.

- Stevie loves hearing Pat talk about animatronics even if they don't understand what Pat is talking about all that well. Pat absolutely loves talking about coding and mechanics and in fact had Stevie's help with designing Maggie a bit

- Pat is dyslexic and has a hard time with reading, especially with small text. Stevie often helps her out since Stevie being an animatronic has a processor that's made to be able to read any size text. This always works unless it's handwriting, which sucks bc Pat has doctor's handwriting.

- Pat still loves drumming, and often tries to teach Stevie how to play from time to time.

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