Adrien Toadscreek

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- They once painted and DIYed a Hot Wheels car to be a cute little frog design. They even put little googly eyes on it and now they keep it in their pocket all the time.

- It listens to Mitski. Their favorite songs are I Want You and Nothing's New. They have sobbed their eyes to sleep to both songs, and the times they tried to share their music taste with Bryan, he just acted concerned. They also really love Goodbye My Danish Sweetheart.

- It is a big Adventure Time and Fionna and Cake fan, but made the mistake of watching the entirety of Fionna and Cake alone and all in one sitting, and cried for hours.

- They have been in a debate with dylan more than once of food choices. For example, Dylan is more of a waffle fan, and Adrien is more of a pancake fan, and neither will admit that their favorite could possibly be lower than the others. They constantly will drag people into these debates, and sometimes Adrien will even just call up Bryan to demand his opinion on the matter.

- They are autistic and diagnosed, and are extremely bad with social cues and communication. They're trying to work on it, but it's very frustrating at times, especially since Bryan constantly talks passive aggressively instead of being upfront, and Dylan has low empathy and a natural sarcastic voice. 

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