Shooting Star/Stevie

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(Requested by Bunni_08)

- Star watches Sailor Moon with Dreamy.

- They hate bugs, especially spiders.

- He loves to boop Freddy's nose. Freddy always gets unnecessarily happy by this and laughs a lot when anybody does it. Now everyone does it to cheer him up.

- Him and Foxy jokingly argue about a scenario of adopting a pet together. They constantly jokingly fight over names or what animal it would be.

- It uses Bryan's Netflix account to watch random shows with Gregory and Glamrocks, and to watch cheesy romance and horror films with Foxy.

- They hate any type of horror that is "appears to be cute kid's media but is actually horror content". They also hate lost media creepypastas because they think some of them are real and it scares them every time.

- He has a whistling stim and a patting stim where he pats his hands against his kneess when he's nervous or happy.

- Stevie hates the texture of sand.

- He is really protective over the people they care about, but not in a smart way- Like protective in the way that they can and will throw themselves into the crossfire of most situations if it meant 

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