Nighttime Duo [Glam. Bonnie + Moon]

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Little Moon and Bonnie hcs since i found them really funny-


- Bonnie constantly tried to give Moon little presentations that said stuff like "how to be not evil". Moon made fun of him by asking if he had the qualifications to say anything about the subject. He promptly started sobbing afterwards. Bonnie then stopped trying with the presentations

- Moon and Bonnie are the same height and are incredibly tall, and when Moon met Bonnie initially, he got a little freaked out because he assumed that when Bonnie was Twisted Bonnie, he was twice that height or something, and that when Bryan fixed him he just got shorter. He was wrong, but it still freaked him out a little the first time. (Random thing but i forgot if Moon met Bonnie before he got fixed so bare with me-)

- Any time Bonnie asks Moon why he did something, Moon asks him why he got a redemption arc. Bonnie again will break out into tears


- Despite Bonnie getting fixed, his mouth can still pop open like before and show all the sharp teeth there. And little does Moon know, under his clothes, Bonnie still has the stomach teeth

- When Moon met Bonnie initially, he tried not asking too many questions about his abilities and his twisted model and tried to be super subtle about it so that he didn't sound super interested and fascinated by it like he was

- I have a comic idea that Bonnie decides to show Moon the faceplates thing, and Moon ends up thinking its the coolest shit ever and then begins dumping out all the questions he hadn't been able to ask Bonnie about his old self. The comic ends up Bonnie getting overwhelmed and shutting the faceplates again and walking away, and Moon following him trying to get answers


Also example of the redemption arc hc thing:

Bonnie: Hey Moon, why did you hide Steve's stuff?-

Moon: Why did you get a redemption arc?

Bonnie: ...

Bonnie, starting to cry: OKAY YOU KNOW WHAT-

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