Chess Board AU

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So i decided to call this au the Chess Board AU, and thought I'd ramble about it a bit:

- Florence ended up killing everyone who worked at Wonderheart besides Pluto (and also killed Dylan-), and in defense, Pluto basically makes chess-themed animatronics based on all of them.

- At first, its for the sake of coping, then, it turns into a strategy to kill Florence and end things once and for all

- Pluto also learns how to upgrade themselves (they're full animatronic in this au), and starts to upgrade themselves to match with others themes a bit

- Slep ends up becoming a Pawn, King ends up becoming Knight, Sova turns into a Pawn as well, Zero turns into Rook, Flynn is Bishop, Dylan is Queen, and Pluto is King. (I would've made Dylan and Pluto swap, but I wanted to draw Pluto in a king fit, and also, I just felt it fit more because of reasons i will explain in a sec-)

- Pluto is a mess in this au, but is still a badass, just a little unstable.

- The au ends with a facedown with Florence where all the chess pieces minus Pluto attack Florence to try to dismantle him and the raccoons. In the end, Florence ends up on the ground, almost fully destroyed right before Pluto. Pluto would take one step forward (just like how the King can only move one square in the actual game), then shuts Florence down for good.  (Idk how yet, i don't want to make it gory or implied gore because no, but it would be something simple and quick.)

- They all died in this order: Slep, Sova, King, Flynn, Zero, and Dylan

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