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Hobi woke me up a few hours later with Chiwon in his arms. Yoongi seemed to have left, because I didn't see him anywhere.

"Sorry, I was going to let you sleep, but someone here was very persuasive and vocal about his hunger." He sat down next to me and handed me the hungry baby.

After I had looked after the little one, I kept him on my lap and the two of us played with him. He liked all the attention, but it also made him tired.

After two hours, I let him drink again and he fell asleep. Hobi carefully carried him to bed and we cooked dinner together.

It was fun with Hobi, his cheerfulness was infectious and after dinner he wanted to keep me company and we decided to play "What do you Meme". We laughed the whole time, so much so that we got a tummy ache. I felt really comfortable with him.

"Listen, I hope you're not taking this morning's nonsense seriously, are you? I don't want you to feel weird around me." he said suddenly.

"Oh no, I already knew that was just a joke," I said with a laugh.

"Well, Yoongi seemed to take it seriously." he remarked thoughtfully.

"Who's actually coming tomorrow?" I changed the subject.

"Namjoon and Jimin, because Namjoon doesn't have the confidence to do it on his own yet. He's just a little clumsy and afraid of doing everything wrong," Hobi told me with a smile.

"That's kind of sweet," I replied and smiled back.

Hobi's manner was really heartwarming and we talked and played for a while longer, but when I started to yawn, he said goodbye.

That night I woke up with a bad headache, I was coughing and my throat hurt too.... That was all I needed, I must be getting sick. I dragged myself into the kitchen and took a painkiller, which was also suitable for breastfeeding mothers, and went back to bed. With a few interruptions due to coughing fits, I slept through until Chiwon woke me up with his roaring.

I found it difficult to look after him as I felt dizzy. I didn't dare to walk with him in my arms, so I sat down on the floor to nurse him. While I was still thinking about changing him on the floor, my doorbell rang. At that moment, I thanked my father inwardly for having installed Smarthome and being able to control almost everything here via a cell phone app. There was no way I was going to get to the front door, but I unlocked the door lock with my cell phone.

A few minutes later, Yoongi came into the nursery. When he found me exhausted on the floor with my baby in my arms, he approached me quickly, grabbed my forehead and took the little one.

"Okay, I'll take over from here, you go back to bed and I'll take care of everything. You've got a temperature," he said directly, looking at me with concern.

"Let me change him, you don't like that at all." I fought him off, but he didn't give me the little one, instead he put him on the changing table.

"It doesn't matter now, we both have to get through this now, little one." he said to the baby as he undressed him.

"OK, but ask me if you get stuck. There's everything you need on the changing table within easy reach. Clean up, put a fresh diaper underneath and apply cream, then close the diaper and put on fresh clothes." I gave him instructions.

I watched him from the side and had a good view of his face and even when I was coughing and headache-ridden, the sight of him grimacing in disgust made me laugh.

He heaved a sigh of relief when Chiwon was clean and I saw him slip a diaper under him the wrong way.

"The other way around." I pointed out the mistake and he turned the diaper.

Suddenly he stopped and frowned.

"Little man, I didn't expect you to behave like that. What am I supposed to make of the fact that you just put your little willy up here?" he said with a grin and my alarm bells started ringing.

"Yoongi quick, throw something over it or he'll pee on you... oh too late." My panicked warning turned into a giggle when I saw the stunned look on Yoongi's face.

"I hope you're not too pissed off now." I couldn't help but laugh, though it didn't exactly help me stop coughing either. He just looked at me with a serious WTF expression before taking a new diaper and putting Chiwon in a fresh diaper and then putting him in his crib for a moment.

"Wait a minute, I've got some spare clothes in the car. I'll go wash and change quickly, then I'll help you to bed," he said, before turning to Chiwon and giving him a stern look.

"And you and I are going to have a long talk about not peeing on your cool uncle."

Despite various coughing fits, I only managed to calm down again just before Yoongi came back.

"Can you stand up or should I carry you?" He held out a hand and I stood up, swaying slightly. But when my legs buckled, he quickly caught me and lifted me up.

I blamed the heat in my cheeks and the rapid beating of my heart on my fever and the fact that I was embarrassed to be carried like this. Yoongi laid me down in my bed and tucked me in.

"Are you hungry? I can make you something to eat." he offered, but I just shook my head.

"I'm just thirsty."

He disappeared towards the kitchen and returned a short time later with a cup of tea, a jug of water and a glass.

"Get some sleep, I'll look after Chiwon for a while. I'll come back to check on you later." he said before putting everything on my bedside table and pouring water into the glass.

"Ok, thanks Yoongi." I mumbled before falling asleep exhausted.

A few hours later, I woke up to Yoongi coming into the bedroom with the crying baby in her arms.

"I hate to wake you up, but I don't know what to feed him." A little overwhelmed, he looked at me apologetically.

"Give him to me." I croaked, as I had hardly any voice left by now and raised my arms weakly.

"Are you sure you can hold him? You look totally weak and exhausted... Holy, you're burning up." His skeptical look became more and more worried after he grabbed my forehead again.

I actually didn't manage to hold the little one, which is why Yoongi lifted the blanket a little and lay down next to me with the baby in his arms. He pulled me towards him until my head was resting on his shoulder and he held the little one so that he could get a good grip on my chest. I pushed my shirt up slightly and my hungry son found his food source straight away. Exhausted as I was and since Yoongi was holding the little one, I fell asleep again straight away.


Just don't look, just don't look at the chest... he told himself like a mantra. She was asleep and the little one had also fallen asleep, the nipple had slipped out of his mouth and the breast was completely exposed.

He didn't want to look, but somehow he had to pull her shirt back on. Okay, close your eyes and just pull it down. It was a good idea, but since he couldn't see anything, he didn't know where to reach and his hand was immediately on the soft skin of her breast.

Oh my God, it felt so velvety soft, it was a wonderful feeling, but then he was startled by his thoughts and opened his eyes again. So he did look. He looked at her briefly and then adjusted her shirt.

His guilty conscience immediately kicked in because of his thoughts.

The thought of how relaxed and sweaty she had been lying there with her bare chest... He thought that was damn hot...

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